[Todos CMAT] Fwd: Reminder [IMU AO CL 3/2023] Program Committee for ICM 2026

Lydia Tappa lydia en cmat.edu.uy
Lun Feb 6 08:00:00 -03 2023

---------- Forwarded message ---------
De: IMU Secretary <secretary en mathunion.org>
Date: jue, 2 feb 2023 a la(s) 11:24
Subject: Reminder [IMU AO CL 3/2023] Program Committee for ICM 2026
To: <ao en mathunion.org>

To: The Adhering Organizations of the International Mathematical Union (IMU)

Dear colleagues

This is a small reminder that you are invited to propose members for the
Program Committee for the next International Congress of Mathematicians, to
be held in Philadelphia in 2026 (see Circular Letter 3/2023

Your proposal should include a brief letter of recommendation. It is not
necessary to send us a full CV, just some basic information about the
candidates. Please note that candidates should not be contacted priori to
the nomination.

Please send your proposals by 12 February 2023.

Christoph Sorger

[image: logo] *Christoph Sorger*
Secretary General of the International Mathematical Union
[image: phone] +33 251125921 <+33251125921>  [image: mail]
secretary en mathunion.org <secretary en mathunion.org>  [image: www]
www.mathunion.org <https://www.mathunion.org>
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