[Todos CMAT] Fwd: ICM Structure Committee for ICM 2026

Lydia Tappa lydia en cmat.edu.uy
Lun Feb 6 08:00:00 -03 2023

---------- Forwarded message ---------
De: IMU Secretary <secretary en mathunion.org>
Date: jue, 19 ene 2023 a la(s) 07:00
Subject: ICM Structure Committee for ICM 2026
To: <ao en mathunion.org>

To: The Adhering Organizations of the International Mathematical Union (IMU)
Dear colleagues

I write regarding the ICM Structure Committee for ICM 2026.

The ICM Structure Committee is responsible for the structure of the
Scientific Program of the ICM. In particular, it decides, among others, on
the number of plenary lectures, the sections and their precise definition,
the target number of talks in each section as well as other kinds of
lectures, and the arrangement of sections.

The first ICM for which the ICM Structure Committee conducted its work was ICM
2022 <https://www.mathunion.org/icm-2022#on-page-0>. A new ICM Structure
Committee has now been constituted, which will be responsible for the
scientific program of ICM 2026. The selection of the speakers will remain
with the Program Committee.

Membership of the ICM Structure Committee for ICM 2026
<https://www.mathunion.org/icm/icm-2026#on-page-0> is as follows:

Terence Tao [Chair]
Hiraku Nakajima [IMU President, ex officio]
Nalini Anantharaman
Annalisa Buffa
Weinan E
Irene Fonseca
Isabelle Gallagher
Martin Hairer
Mike Hopkins
Meena Mahajan
Akshay Venkatesh
Anna Wienhard
Geordie Williamson

The ICM Structure Committee is encouraged to interact with the mathematical
community worldwide.

The Chair Terence Tao can be contacted at chair en sc26.mathunion.org.

Christoph Sorger

[image: logo] *Christoph Sorger*
Secretary General of the International Mathematical Union
[image: phone] +33 251125921 <+33251125921>  [image: mail]
secretary en mathunion.org <secretary en mathunion.org>  [image: www]
www.mathunion.org <https://www.mathunion.org>
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