[EstudiantesMatemática] Seminario Sistemas Dinamicos

Matias Carrasco matiascapi en gmail.com
Mie Ago 12 21:58:44 UYT 2015


este viernes 14/8 a las 14:30 en el salón de seminarios del IMERL recibimos a Juliette Bavard (Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris).

Abajo va titulo y resumen.


About a big mapping class group

The mapping class group of the complement of a Cantor set in the plane arises naturally in dynamics. To get informations about this "big mapping class group", we can look at its action on a hyperbolic space: the ray graph. In this talk, I will explain why this ray graph has infinite diameter and is hyperbolic. I will then exhibit an element of the big MCG which has a loxodromic action on the ray graph, and explain why this element is useful to construct non trivial quasimorphisms on the group.

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