[EstudiantesMatemática] Seminario Sistemas Dinamicos

Matias Carrasco matiascapi en gmail.com
Jue Ago 20 12:51:35 UYT 2015


este viernes 21/8 a las 14:30 en el salon de seminarios del IMERL,
escucharemos la segunda charla de Juliette Bavard (Universite Pierre et
Marie Curie).

Abajo titulo y resumen.


An introduction to homotopy Brouwer theory

Homotopy Brouwer theory was first introduced by Handel in 1999 to prove his
famous fixed point theorem. One aim of the theory is to get a
classification of fixed point free homeomorphisms of the plane relatively
to a finite number of their orbits. In this talk, I will describe some
basic tools and results of the theory.
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