[Todos CMAT] Fwd: [ALGTOP-L] Algebraic structures in topology II, San Juan, PR (second announcement)

Eugenia Ellis eellis en fing.edu.uy
Vie Nov 17 18:40:46 -03 2023

Hola, les reenvío un anuncio de una escuela y conferencia sobre Estructuras
algebraicas en topología.
Los organizadores me han dicho que tienen algunos fondos para financiar
estudiantes de latinoamérica, así que si hay interesados o interesadas les
animo a aplicar.
Quedo a las órdenes por cualquier consulta.

---------- Forwarded message ---------
De: Manuel Rivera <algtop-l en lists.illinois.edu>
Date: vie, 17 nov 2023 a la(s) 17:03
Subject: [ALGTOP-L] Algebraic structures in topology II, San Juan, PR
(second announcement)
To: <algtop-l en lists.illinois.edu>

Dear colleagues,

This is the second announcement for the second iteration of the conference
series *Algebraic structures in topology *to be held in San Juan, Puerto
Rico from June 5th-14th, 2024. The conference will feature a variety of
events focusing on recent developments in algebraic topology and their
applications to geometry, physics, and data science.

We expect to be able to cover the costs of travel and accommodation for
some of the participants. Registration is now open and, if you want to
be considered for funding, please register by *March 15, 2024. *You may
find the registration form at the conference webpage algtoppr.github.io
directly at: https://forms.gle/7fGnPp1PnYBvrC9P9

The event will have three parts:

*June 5th - June 7th, 2024:* Three mini-courses on the topics of algebraic
K-theory, configuration spaces, and string topology. The instructors will
be Teena Gerhardt (Michigan State University), Ben Knudsen (Northeastern
University), and Florian Naef (Trinity College Dublin), respectively. We
plan for these to be accessible to graduate students and researchers in
related fields outside algebraic topology but all are welcome to attend.

*June 8th, 2024*: a general public event with two talks

*June 10th - June 14th, 2024:* a research conference with invited speakers
and contributed talks

The invited speakers include:

Omar Antolín Camarena (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México)
Luciana Basualdo Bonatto (Max Planck Institute at Bonn)
Mark Behrens (University of Notre Dame)
Eugenia Ellis (Universidad de la Républica de Uruguay)
Teena Gerhardt (Michigan State University)
Søren Galatius (University of Copenhagen)
Jeremy Hahn (MIT)
Mike Hill (University of California - Los Angeles)
Ben Knudsen (Northeastern University)
Florian Naef (Trinity College Dublin)
Sam Nariman (Purdue University)
Angélica Osorno (Reed College)
Jose Perea (Northeastern University)
J.D. Quigley (University of Virginia)
Emily Riehl* (Johns Hopkins University)
Maru Sarazola (University of Minnesota)
Bernardo Uribe (Universidad del Norte, Barranquilla, Colombia)
Allen Yuan (Northwestern University)

* to be confirmed.

Everything will take place in (possibly different venues at) San Juan,
Puerto Rico (TBD).

This event is partially supported by the National Science Foundation,
Purdue University, and the Institute of the Mathematical Sciences of the
Americas at the University of Miami.
You may find a conference poster attached. Please feel free to share with
other colleagues.

We hope to see you in Puerto Rico!


On behalf of the organizers
Ralph Kaufmann, Mona Merling, Jeremy Miller, Natalia Pacheco-Tallaj

Assistant Professor
Department of Mathematics
Purdue University

[ALGTOP-L mailing list: https://lists.illinois.edu/lists/info/algtop-l]


Eugenia Ellis
Profesora Adjunta

Instituto de Matemática y Estadística
"Prof. Ing. Rafael Laguardia"
Facultad de Ingeniería - UDELAR
Julio Herrera y Reissig 565 CP11300.
Montevideo, Uruguay.
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