[Todos CMAT] Fwd: Invitation to attend a talk by Rhiannon Savage

Eugenia Ellis eellis en fing.edu.uy
Sab Mar 4 20:14:24 -03 2023

Reenvío invitación a una charla por si hay interesados/as en el tema.

---------- Mensaje reenviado ---------
De: Rudradip Biswas <rbiswas en math.uni-bielefeld.de>
Fecha: El sáb, 4 de mar. de 2023 a la(s) 18:52
Asunto: Invitation to attend a talk by Rhiannon Savage
Para: <eellis en fing.edu.uy>

Dear Eugenia,

I hope you're doing well. I am writing to invite you to attend the
following talk by Rhiannon Savage, who is working with Kobi Kremnitzer
at Oxford, in our seminar series. The talk is on Tuesday (7.3), and I
think it will be close to some of your research interests.

It'll be great if you share this announcement with your
department/colleagues who might be interested in the topic.

60th Meeting of "New Directions in Group Theory and Triangulated

Website: https://sites.google.com/view/ndgttc/home
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@ndgttc

Date: March 7, 2023; Tuesday

Time: 4 pm UK (GMT), 5 pm Paris, 11 am NY, 8 am LA, 12 midnight China

Zoom ID: 650 0817 1940, https://zoom.us/j/65008171940
Password: 286244

Speaker: Rhiannon Savage (University of Oxford)

Title: Algebra and Geometry in Monoidal Quasi-abelian Categories.

Abstract: A quasi-abelian category is an additive category with all
kernels and cokernels, along with some additional conditions allowing us
to extend notions from homological algebra to them. A key example is the
category of complete bornological spaces which is derived equivalent to
the category of inductive limits of Banach spaces. In this talk, we will
introduce the key concepts in the theory of quasi-abelian categories and
we will discuss their potential applications. In particular, we will see
how we can extend ideas from Koszul duality to quasi-abelian categories,
as well as their use more generally as a setting for a new theory of
derived analytic geometry proposed by my supervisor Kobi Kremnizer and
his collaborators.

Best regards,
Rudradip Biswas
Postdoc, Universität Bielefeld

Dra Eugenia Ellis
Profesora Adjunta

Instituto de Matemática y Estadística
"Prof. Ing. Rafael Laguardia"
Facultad de Ingeniería - UDELAR
Julio Herrera y Reissig 565 CP11300.
Montevideo, Uruguay.

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