[Todos CMAT] Fwd: Algebraic Geometry, D-modules and Foliations - Second announcement

Alvaro Rittatore alvaro en cmat.edu.uy
Mie Mar 19 19:45:34 UYT 2008

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Fernando Cukierman <fcukier en dm.uba.ar>
Date: Tue, Mar 18, 2008 at 1:35 PM
Subject: Algebraic Geometry, D-modules and Foliations - Second announcement
To: unlisted-recipients

Second announcement

Dear colleague,

We are pleased to announce a SCHOOL and CONFERENCE on

Algebraic Geometry, D-modules and Foliations

to be held in Buenos Aires, Argentina,

from July 14 to July 26, 2008.


The main aim of this School and Conference is to bring together
specialists, researchers and students working on various aspects
of Algebraic Geometry, of Foliations and of D-modules to discuss
and further develop the interactions among these subjects.

Some areas of interest are: projective geometry, birational geometry,
local and global theory of distributions and foliations on algebraic
theory of D-modules, representation theory and geometry of moduli

The academic program consists of a School during the first week
and a Conference during the second week. In the School there
will be courses on topics of current interest taught by leading experts.
In the Conference there will be Plenary Talks and special Sessions on
Algebraic Geometry, on D-modules and on Foliations.


SCHOOL: 14 - 19 July, 2008.

The following courses will be offered:

1) Geometry of projective varieties and degenerations.
Professors Ciro Ciliberto and Francesco Russo.

2) Fourier-Mukai transforms.
Professor Daniel Huybrechts.

3) From D-modules to quantization-deformation modules.
Professor Pierre Schapira.

4) Spaces of algebraic foliations of codimension one.
Professor Alcides Lins Neto.


CONFERENCE: 21 - 26 July, 2008.

The program consists of morning Plenary Lectures
and the following afternoon special Sessions:

Algebraic Geometry. Coordinated by Ciro Ciliberto.
D-modules. Coordinated by Teresa Monteiro Fernandes.
Foliations. Coordinated by Jorge Vitorio Pereira.


Organizing Committee

Cesar Camacho (IMPA, Río de Janeiro, Brazil)
Ciro Ciliberto (Univ. Roma II, Italy)
Fernando Cukierman (Univ. Buenos Aires - CONICET, Argentina)
David Ellwood (Clay Institute, Boston, USA)
Aroldo Kaplan (CONICET, Argentina)
Teresa Monteiro Fernandes (Univ. Lisboa, Portugal)
Jorge Vitório Pereira (IMPA, Río de Janeiro, Brazil)
Arturo Pianzola (Univ. Alberta, Canada and IAM-CONICET, Argentina)
Juan Tirao (Univ. de Córdoba - CONICET, Argentina)
Orlando Villamayor (Univ. Autónoma Madrid, Spain)


There will be a limited number of grants to partially support local


DEADLINE to apply for financial support: April 30, 2008.

FECHA LIMITE para solicitar apoyo financiero: 30 de Abril, 2008.


The REGISTRATION FORM and other information may be found at the web page


which will be updated periodically.

Best regards,

Fernando Cukierman
(for the Organizing Committee)

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