[Todos CMAT] Becas de estudio

ORICOOP oricoop en fcien.edu.uy
Jue Mar 29 10:19:26 UYT 2007




· Licenciatura (*)

· Maestría

· Doctorado

· Especialidad

· Especialidad Médica

· Estancias posdoctorales

· Estancias de investigación

· Estancias artísticas

· Profesores visitantes

· Conferencistas de alto nivel

· Español y cultura mexicana

(*) Sólo en caso de ofrecimientos especiales


Se otorgan becas para todas las áreas del conocimiento con excepción de 
odontología, cirugía plástica, mercadotecnia, contaduría, publicidad, 
administración de empresas y áreas afines. Para medicina las becas se 
otorgan, exclusivamente, en las áreas establecidas en el Programa de la 
Secretaría de Relaciones Exteriores con la Secretaría de Salud.


Más de 90 instituciones mexicanas especializadas y reconocidas por su 
alto nivel y calidad en la enseñanza.


Podrán solicitar estas becas los extranjeros no residentes en México que 
reúnan las siguientes características:

· Excelencia académica

· Experiencia laboral en el área de estudio solicitada

· Postulación por parte de su gobierno

· Compromiso laboral en su país al término de la beca


· Cumplir con los requisitos establecidos en la Convocatoria de Becas de 
la SRE para Extranjeros.

· Tener bachillerato concluído, título de licenciatura, maestría o 
doctorado, según el tipo de estudio que se vaya a realizar.

· Contar con la aceptación académica de la institución mexicana en la 
que desea realizar los estudios.

· Promedio general mínimo de 8, en escala de 1 al 10 (o su equivalente).

· Regresar a su país al término de la beca.


· Inscripción y colegiatura

· Manutención mensual:

Para licenciatura, maestría, especialidad no médica o investigación a 
nivel maestría, 4 salarios mínimos del D.F.

Para doctorado, investigaciones doctorales, estancias posdoctorales y 
especialidades o subespecialidades médicas, 5 salarios mínimos.

· Seguro médico del Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social (IMSS), de 
cobertura amplia, a partir del tercer mes de la beca.

· Transportación de la Ciudad de México a la ciudad de la República 
Mexicana donde vaya a realizar los estudios al inicio de su programa y 
de regreso a la Ciudad de México al término de los mismos.

· Transportación aérea internacional únicamente en aquellos casos que 
señale esta convocatoria.

(*) Todo gasto no señalado en los puntos anteriores será cubierto por el 
becario, así como los gastos originados por la impresión de la tesis, 
tutorías, trámites de titulación y obtención grado, costos por la 
incorporación y revalidación de estudios y cuotas de inscripción al 
Registro Nacional de Extranjeros y renovación del visado.



La primera asignación para manutención se pagará al becario durante los 
últimos días del mes de arribo, conforme se indica en el calendario 
anual entregado por la Embajada mexicana en su país, antes de viajar a 
México. Es por ello que resulta indispensable que el becario traiga 
consigo recursos necesarios para vivir durante un mínimo de 30 días.


En el calendario anual se señala el día de pago de la manutención 
mensual. Todos los becarios que se encuentran adscritos a instituciones 
del área metropolitana deberán, conforme a dicho calendario, presentarse 
a firmar la nómina correspondiente en la Dirección de Intercambio 
Académico. En el caso de los becarios que se encuentren realizando 
estudios en el interior de la República, será necesario el envío mensual 
–vía fax o correo electrónico- de la confirmación de recepción de sus 
recursos de manutención. Para tal efecto se entregará un formato simple 
establecido por la Dirección de Intercambio Académico, al momento de 
documentar al becario.


Se compone de dos fases:

· Preselección en el país del candidato.

· Selección definitiva por autoridades competentes en la materia en México.


Las becas para el año 2008 las otorga la SRE, a través de la Dirección 
General de Asuntos Culturales y sus beneficiarios serán notificados 
durante el periodo del 15 de noviembre de 2007 al 29 de febrero de 2008. 
Los resultados se entregarán por escrito en la Embajada de México 



Cuando el candidato cuente con el oficio del otorgamiento de beca, 
deberá hacer todos los trámites que se le indiquen ante la Embajada o el 
Consulado de México que corresponda. El becario tendrá que documentarse 
como estudiante becario con Forma Migratoria 3 (FM-3 Fracc. VII), no 
como turista. Los becarios no pueden viajar con pasaporte diplomático u 


Si la transportación internacional fuera parte de los beneficios de la 
beca, el boleto de avión será gestionado por la Dirección General 
Adjunta de Planeación y Control de Programas de la Dirección General de 
Asuntos Culturales y se enviará al país del becario. La Embajada de 
México deberá informar al becario los datos del boleto. En caso de que 
la transportación internacional no esté contemplada dentro de los 
beneficios de la beca, el becario deberá trasladarse por su cuenta a 


A su arribo a la Ciudad de México el becario deberá presentarse en las 
oficinas de la Dirección General de Asuntos Culturales, ubicadas en 
Plaza Juárez No. 20, Piso 4, Col. Centro, México, D.F. de lunes a 
viernes en horario de 9:00 a 13:30 hrs., a fin de realizar los trámites 
correspondientes para su registro como becario de la SRE.


Al término de los estudios el becario deberá entregar en la Dirección de 
Intercambio Académico de la Dirección General de Asuntos Culturales, 
copia de la portada y la versión electrónica de la tesis, si se trata de 
estudios escolarizados, y en caso de investigaciones, el trabajo final. 
Asimismo deberá solicitar, si le corresponde, el boleto de avión para 
regresar a su país y cancelar personalmente su cuenta bancaria del Banco 


Estas se encuentran contenidas en el documento “Normas Aplicables a los 
Becarios Extranjeros de la Secretaría de Relaciones Exteriores”, mismo 
que el becario deberá firmar y respetar su contenido en el momento mismo 
de recibir el otorgamiento de la beca. Entre las obligaciones más 
importante figuran las siguientes:

· Respetar las leyes mexicanas

· Mantener un promedio general mínimo de 8.5, en los estudios.

· Entregar a la Dirección de Intercambio Académico informes periódicos 
sobre sus actividades académicas y/o de investigación

· Residir en México mientras se tenga la beca.

Las becas que el Gobierno de México ofrece están destinadas a que los 
nacionales de otros países se beneficien de la experiencia y de los 
conocimientos adquiridos en nuestro país. También se conciben como 
mecanismos multiplicadores en la medida en que el becario regresa a su 
país y transmite su experiencia. De ahí que sea requisito fundamental 
que el becario regrese a su país al término de sus estudios en México.


Existen tres tipos de solicitudes: la solicitud “A” que se utiliza para 
todos los programas de posgrado y multilaterales, la solicitud “B” cuyo 
encabezado se refiere a Programas Especiales, que se usa únicamente para 
este tipo de programas, con excepción de los programas de Prácticas 
Profesionales y el de Asia, Pacífico, África y Medio Oriente, y la 
solicitud “C” para licenciaturas.


La documentación del candidato deberá integrarse en un expediente y 
presentarlo ante la Embajada de México localizada en el país de origen 
del solicitante o ante la Embajada concurrente correspondiente por 
conducto del Ministerio de Relaciones Internacionales y/o por la 
Institución gubernamental local designada para ello. Si al entregar el 
expediente, el candidato no cuenta con la aceptación académica, su 
solicitud se recibirá de manera condicionada. Se dará prioridad a las 
candidaturas cuyos expedientes se entreguen completos.

Los becarios podrán estar en contacto con las personas responsables de 
su seguimiento, en los siguientes teléfonos y direcciones electrónicas:

Becarios América del Sur y Centroamérica:

Tels. 5063 3000 exts. 5291, 6320

correos electrónicos: ecolin en sre.gob.mx, acamacho en sre.gob.mx y 
cxolalpa en sre.gob.mx.

PLAZO LÍMITE DE PRESENTACIÓN: martes 31 de julio de 2007

POR MÁS INFORMACIÓN: Embajada de México, Andes 1365 – piso 7, tel: 
9022700/ 9020791 / 9021695 (int. 14) los martes y jueves de 10:00 a 13:00hs.

Sitio web: http://becas.ser.gob.mx


UNU-IAS Postdoctoral Fellowships


In April 1996, the UN Secretary–General inaugurated UNU-IAS as an 
in–house community of scholars mandated to research issues located at 
the intersection between societal and natural systems. The Institute’s 
mission is to advance knowledge and to promote learning for policy 
making to meet the challenges of sustainable development. As an advanced 
studies institute, UNU-IAS is, by virtue of its nature, forward-looking 
and flexible. Our programmatic structure is multidisciplinary and dynamic.

In October 2000 UNU-IAS added a Postdoctoral Fellowship to its 
postgraduate education programme. This programme serves as a complement 
to the PhD Fellowship Programme that has already been established as one 
of the premier activities of the institute. So far, more than 150 
fellows from some 50 countries have passed through the PhD and 
Postdoctoral Fellowship Programmes. Of those completing the programmes, 
about one third has been women, and developing country participants have 
outnumbered developed country participants.

The Postdoctoral Fellowship Programme targets five fellowship positions 
each year for a period of ten months. The Fellowship Programme has four 
core aims:

To provide young scholars at the postdoctoral level, particularly from 
developing countries, with an opportunity to experience the unique 
international academic environment of UNU-IAS.

To provide these young scholars with an opportunity to participate in 
and contribute to the research activities of UNU-IAS in regard to issues 
of pressing global importance.

To provide an opportunity for young scholars from developing countries 
to interact with the Japanese academic community and, in doing so, 
provide a conduit between the host country and developing country 
academia and also the host country and the UN system.

To provide UNU-IAS and its academic community with an opportunity to 
benefit from the diverse knowledge, background, and experience offered 
by high caliber young scholars from around the world.



Studies on linking environmental management, conservation, sustainable 
use and equitable benefit sharing with national development, 
mainstreaming environment into plans to achieving MDGs, support 
development of global policy on polar regions, supporting effective 
implementation of multilateral environmental agreement, linking poverty 
reduction strategies with environmental management plans and capacity 
building related to the above. Studies related to the management of 
marine natural resources beyond national jurisdictions.


Studies on the governance and effectiveness of institutions for 
sustainable development, interlinkages/interplay between MEAs, both at 
global and regional levels; ethics and the role of environmental 
principles in international governance, WTO and sustainable development 
in developing countries, development of markets and policies for 
environmental goods and services, WTO and investment in developing 
countries, and impacts of WTO accession on sustainable development 
particularly sectoral analysis on health, welfare, poverty reduction, 
culture and environment.


The UNU-IAS Science Policy for Sustainable Development Programme 
explores policy research and capacity development for developing 
countries, with particular focus on the following issues: Linking 
science and policy for effective management of global environment; role 
of science and policy in developing countries for achieving sustainable 
development. The Programme will have specific focus on issues of 
biotechnology governance and technology transfer during the current 
period of research.


Studies on the linkages between human well-being and ecosystems; poverty 
and environment; poverty reductions strategies/Millennium Development 
Goals related to environment; pro-poor markets for ecosystem services, 
roles of MEAs in improving human well-being; and ecosystem assessment 
leading towards integrated policy making; particularly focused on the 
development of training and teaching materials for policymakers in these 
areas. Also, this programme has an existing concentration on Urban 
Ecosystems - including the application of the ecosystem approach to the 
study and management of cities. Current priorities include exploring the 
drivers of urban environmental and ecosystem change, urban metabolism 
and other ecosystem approaches to understanding cities. The programme is 
also exploring the relevance and effectiveness of ecosystem approach 
influenced policies as they are applied to urban regions.


Further development and implementation of the UNU strategy to promote 
education for sustainable development (EfSD) and the Decade of Education 
for Sustainable Development (DESD), which started in January 2005. 
Possible topic for research may include, for instance, case studies of 
Regional Centers of Expertise (RCE) on EfSD regarding their development 
processes and critical factors for success and failure, development of 
curricula for priority topics on EfSD etc. An RCE is a group of 
organizations that deliver EfSD at regional and local levels. Research 
may document how an RCE is developed to translate and articulate a 
global vision of education for sustainable development into the context 
of the regional/local community in which it operates, thereby critically 
examining whether an RCE can serve as a platform to promote dialogues 
among EfSD stakeholders towards locally relevant and culturally 
appropriate EfSD.


Analytical research on sustainable management of satoyama includes 
analysis on conservation and sustainable use of ecosystems and 
biodiversity in satoyama; preservation of both tangible and intangible 
cultural heritage of satoyama; innovative ways to improve local and 
regional economy by using ecosystem services existing in satoyama; and, 
assessment of formal and informal institutions, actors and rules for 
better management of satoyama. The geographical focus of studies would 
be preferably Japan and Asia, but other regions including Europe, North 
America, Oceania and Africa will be considered.

Research proposals should relate clearly to one of the above current 
research areas of UNU-IAS.


Each fellow is expected to help strengthen the intellectual capacity of 
UNU-IAS and enhance the spirit of the academic community.

Under the supervision and general direction of the Programme/Project 
Manager, each fellow will work on specific research projects, or 
initiatives, and may be responsible for activities in one or more issue 
areas. Responsibilities may include: general research and writing 
activities, contributing to the development of research agendas, 
assisting in the definition of methodologies and advanced research 
approaches, assisting in the design and development of course materials, 
developing and managing scientific networks, organizing conferences and 
seminars, developing promotional materials, formulating funding 
proposals, preparation and presentation of research within the UNU-IAS 
community, contribution to the UNU-IAS Working Paper Series, and 
preparation of other possible in–house and external publications.


Applicants must have obtained a PhD (or at least a successfully defended 
PhD thesis) in an area broadly associated with the UNU-IAS thematic 
direction. Language proficiency in English is essential.

Applicants from developing countries and women are particularly 
encouraged to apply.


The period of the Postdoctoral Fellowship is ten months. Fellows will be 
provided with their own desk within a dedicated study room in the 
Institute, a networked PC, and full Internet access including an 
individual e–mail account.

Fellows will have access to the UNU Centre Library in Tokyo, which 
includes an excellent collection of UN documents. They will have access 
via the UNU Centre Library to various Japanese university libraries and 
computer database.

The fellowship provides for a monthly stipend of 290,000 Japanese yen, 
from which a monthly usage charge for accommodation is deducted (see 
below). A one–time only installment of 80,000 yen will be granted to 
each fellow at the commencement of the programme for adjustment expenses 
and incidental costs.

Eligibility for a second 10-month appointment may be considered based on 
the Fellow’s performance.


Postdoctoral Fellows will be provided with accommodations by UNU-IAS, 
located in Yokohama City, 30 minutes from the Institute. The 
accommodations are furnished and include kitchen and bathroom 
facilities. Usage charges other than utilities (electricity, water, gas, 
telephone, etc.) are as follows:

Single room apartment (for one person) 80,000 yen or more per month

Twin room apartment (for couples) 130,000 yen or more per month


UNU-IAS provides fellows with return air tickets between his/her country 
of residence and Narita Airport.


-Application forms are available for download as Microsoft Word (.doc) 
and Portable Document Format (.pdf) files. The application form can also 
be obtained through email fellowships en ias.unu.edu.

In addition to the application form, the following documents in English 
must be submitted:

-Certified copies of academic transcripts (Master's and PhD courses if 
applicable) and a copy of doctoral degree certificate

-Two publication samples (if unavailable, please send two chapters from 
your dissertation)

-Two original supporting letters of reference

-Evidence of English language proficiency (only required if Ph.D. 
dissertation was not submitted in English) eg. TOEFL score, certificate 
of proficiency


An application form must de completed have to be send by post to;

Postdoctoral Fellowship Programme

United Nations University Institute of Advanced Studies

6F, International Organizations Center, Pacifico-Yokohama

1-1-1 Minato Mirai, Nishi-ku, Yokohama 220-8502 Japan

Fax: +81-45-221-2303


1 October each year and selected fellows are required to be in Yokohama 
by this date.


POR MÁS INFORMACIÓN: correo electrónico: fellowships en ias.unu.edu

Sitio web: http://www.ias.unu.edu




The JSPS-UNU Postdoctoral Fellowship Programme was launched in 2002, and 
is jointly organised by UNU and Japan Society for the Promotion of 
Science (JSPS). It is designed to provide opportunities for promising, 
highly qualified, young researchers to conduct cooperative research 
under the leadership of their host researchers of Japanese universities 
and research institutions especially in the fields relevant to the main 
thematic focus of UNU-IAS, located in Yokohama, and UNU Centre, located 
in Tokyo.

UNU acts as the nominating authority for the JSPS-UNU Programme, and 
UNU-IAS administers the programme on behalf of UNU in the nominating 
process. Candidates apply to UNU-IAS using the prescribed application 
form with the following documents: recommendation letters, and a 
certificate of his/her Ph.D. degree, etc.

It is necessary for applicants to indicate the prospective host 
researcher at the time of submitting the application. The list of 
prospective host researchers and their areas of specialisation is 
available as an example for candidates. (It is not necessary to obtain 
confirmation of acceptance from the prospective host researcher at this 
stage.) After screening the candidates, UNU will assist in receiving 
acceptance from the host researchers for the short–listed candidates. 
After the host researcher is secured for each short-listed candidate, 
UNU will make nominations to JSPS, which contributes financially to this 
programme. The final award decision will be made by JSPS and Awards 
Letters will be issued by JSPS to the fellowship awardees. An advisor 
for each fellowship awardee will be selected for the period of research 
in Japan from among the UNU (UNU-IAS or UNU Centre) faculty members 
after consultation with the host researcher.


All fields of the humanities, social sciences and natural sciences, 
particularly those related to the main thematic focus of UNU’s programme 
activities with emphasis on policy issues. Research proposals should 
relate clearly to one of the following current research areas of UNU-IAS 
and UNU Centre (see UNU-IAS, UNU Centre/Peace and Governance and UNU 
Centre/Environment and Sustainable Development websites):


Studies on linking environmental management, conservation, sustainable 
use and equitable benefit sharing with national development, 
mainstreaming environment into plans to achieving MDGs, support 
development of global policy on polar regions, supporting effective 
implementation of multilateral environmental agreement, linking poverty 
reduction strategies with environmental management plans and capacity 
building related to the above. Studies related to the management of 
marine natural resources beyond national jurisdictions.


Studies on the governance and effectiveness of institutions for 
sustainable development, interlinkages/interplay between MEAs, both at 
global and regional levels; ethics and the role of environmental 
principles in international governance, WTO and sustainable development 
in developing countries, development of markets and policies for 
environmental goods and services, WTO and investment in developing 
countries, and impacts of WTO accession on sustainable development 
particularly sectoral analysis on health, welfare, poverty reduction, 
culture and environment.


The programme explores policy research and capacity development for 
developing countries, with particular focus on the following issues: 
Linking science and policy for effective management of global 
environment; role of science and policy in developing countries for 
achieving sustainable development. The Programme will have specific 
focus on issues of biotechnology governance and technology transfer 
during the current period of research.


Studies on the linkages between human well-being and ecosystems; poverty 
and environment; poverty reductions strategies/Millennium Development 
Goals related to environment; pro-poor markets for ecosystem services, 
roles of MEAs in improving human well-being; and ecosystem assessment 
leading towards integrated policy making; particularly focused on the 
development of training and teaching materials for policymakers in these 
areas. Also, this programme has an existing concentration on Urban 
Ecosystems - including the application of the ecosystem approach to the 
study and management of cities. Current priorities include exploring the 
drivers of urban environmental and ecosystem change, urban metabolism 
and other ecosystem approaches to understanding cities. The programme is 
also exploring the relevance and effectiveness of ecosystem approach 
influenced policies as they are applied to urban regions.


Further development and implementation of the UNU strategy to promote 
education for sustainable development (EfSD) and the Decade of Education 
for Sustainable Development (DESD), which started in January 2005. 
Possible topic for research may include, for instance, case studies of 
Regional Centers of Expertise (RCE) on EfSD regarding their development 
processes and critical factors for success and failure, development of 
curricula for priority topics on EfSD etc. An RCE is a group of 
organizations that deliver EfSD at regional and local levels. Research 
may document how an RCE is developed to translate and articulate a 
global vision of education for sustainable development into the context 
of the regional/local community in which it operates, thereby critically 
examining whether an RCE can serve as a platform to promote dialogues 
among EfSD stakeholders towards locally relevant and culturally 
appropriate EfSD


Analytical research on sustainable management of satoyama includes 
analysis on conservation and sustainable use of ecosystems and 
biodiversity in satoyama; preservation of both tangible and intangible 
cultural heritage of satoyama; innovative ways to improve local and 
regional economy by using ecosystem services existing in satoyama; and, 
assessment of formal and informal institutions, actors and rules for 
better management of satoyama. The geographical focus of studies would 
be preferably Japan and Asia, but other regions including Europe, North 
America, Oceania and Africa will be considered.


a) International order and justice (analyzes and contributes to the UN's 
roles in meeting the most pressing challenges to international order and 
justice; addresses proposals to make the UN system more efficient in 
strengthening international peace; in promoting human rights, rule of 
law and good governance)

b) Conflict and security (focusing on the roots of human, national, 
regional and international security threats, and the provision of 
security by civil society, state, regional and international actors, 
including conflict prevention and peacebuilding)

c) Human rights and ethics (focusing on the challenges of promoting 
human rights in a divided world, and the ethical and normative 
dimensions of contemporary foreign policy and international institutions)

d) Policy and institutional frameworks (exploring the modalities, values 
and institutions that are employed to organize governance at the 
regional, transnational and global levels)


a) Integrated environmental monitoring and assessment (water management, 
climate change impacts, water quality monitoring, urban development, 
disaster and environmental risk assessment & management, and policy 
analysis on these matters in the Asia-Pacific region are the focal areas 
of this theme. Ability to link scientific research results to policy 
formulation as well as field experiences in water and disaster 
management will be an asset. Candidates familiar with mathematical 
modeling, GIS use and statistical analyses are especially encouraged to 

b) Management of fragile ecosystems (management of fragile ecosystems 
(mountains, forests, wetlands), which focuses on ecological impacts of 
local and indigenous agriculture and resource management practices 
including interlinked problems of land degradation, soil and water 
conservation and poverty, and how to integrate those ecologically sound 
practices into conservation and development policies in Southeast Asia 
and Eastern Himalaya, Central Asia, and Balkan regions.)


Citizens of UN member countries that have diplomatic relations with 
Japan. (Japanese nationals that do not have citizenship or permanent 
residency of foreign countries are not eligible.)

Holders of a doctoral degree when the Fellowship goes into effect, which 
must have been received within six years prior to 2 April 2007 (i.e., 
awarded on or after 2 April 2001)

Those who have research experience (at least 10 months) after receiving 
their doctoral degree are encouraged to apply.

JSPS and UNU cannot accept nominations for persons who have in the past 
been awarded either a JSPS Postdoctoral Fellowship or STA (Japan Science 
and Technology Corporation) Fellowship (Long-term) for a term of 12 
months or more.


Fellowships are awarded for a period of 12 to 24 months.


-A round-trip air ticket (based on JSPS regulations)

-A monthly maintenance allowance of 382,000 yen

-A settling-in allowance of 200,000 yen (based on JSPS regulations)

-An annual domestic research travel allowance of 58,500 yen

-Overseas travel accident and sickness insurance coverage


-The amounts of the Awards indicated above are subject to change.

-f the Fellow resides in Japan on the date his/her award letter is 
issued, the above-mentioned air ticket to Japan and settling-in 
allowance will not be provided.

-A research grant, "Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research" or "Research 
Grant", of up to 1,500,000 yen per year (total of 3,000,000 yen for two 
years. The amount varies depending on the areas/disciplines of 
research.) is available to cover cooperative research-related expenses. 
Application for these grants is made by the host reseacher through 
his/her institution.

This award is provided by JSPS, and follows JSPS programme guidelines 


Eligible host institutions in Japan are universities, inter-university 
research institutions, and other research institutions designated by JSPS


FECHE DE COMIENZO: 1 November 2007 and the selected fellows are required 
to be in Japan by this date.


Application forms are available for download as Microsoft Word (.doc) 
and Portable Document Format (.pdf) files. The application form can also 
be obtained through email fellowships en ias.unu.edu.

All applications must be received by post on or before the application 
deadline to the address below:

JSPS-UNU Postdoctoral Fellowship Programme

United Nations University Institute of Advanced Studies

6F, International Organizations Center, Pacifico-Yokohama

1-1-1 Minato Mirai, Nishi-ku, Yokohama 220-8502 Japan

Fax: +81-45-221-2303

Applicants are encouraged, in addition to the mailed hard copy, to also 
submit application electronically as an email attachment. These 
electronic applications represent a supplement to the hard copies mailed 
to the UNU-IAS, and they do not replace the mailed hard copy. All parts 
of this form must be completed in English. Uncompleted parts may result 
in the application being rejected.


POR MÁS INFORMACIÓN: Sitio web: http://www.ias.unu.edu


Inés Infante
Facultad de Ciencias
Universidad de la República
Iguá 4225

(598.2) 525.86.18 - 22 /122

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