[Todos CMAT] SAGA: charla de Christian Ohn, este viernes

Gonzalo Tornaria tornaria en cmat.edu.uy
Mie Nov 8 17:21:16 UYT 2006

Horario:    Viernes 10/Nov, de 14 a 16
Lugar:      Salón de seminarios, piso 16
Expositor:  Christian Ohn (Université de Valenciennes)


    The missing quantum SL(3) and a question of Yu.I. Manin


    It is well known that the standard quantum SL(n) is a "quantum
    symmetry group" of the standard quantum space x_ix_j=qx_jx_i
    (i<j), a quadratic algebra. Another quadratic algebra is the
    Sklyanin algebra associated to an elliptic curve, and around 1990,
    Manin asked whether it, too, had such a "quantum symmetry group".
    Odesskii and Feigin have given an affirmative answer, but at the
    cost of accepting so called "dynamical parameters" into the
    defining relations. In this talk, we will address the question
    without such parameters, and provide a negative answer to Manin's
    question in that case.

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