[Probabilidad-Estadistica-Seminario] Fwd: Charla sobre Clustering - M. Tepper - **lunes 20/11-16hs** (ATENCIÓN CAMBIO)

Ernesto Mordecki mordecki en cmat.edu.uy
Lun Nov 13 13:43:03 -03 2017

Cambio de fecha!!
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From: Mauricio Delbracio <mdelbra en fing.edu.uy>

ATENCIÓN: La charla se mueve para el lunes 20/11 para evitar una
colisión con los festejos de los primeros 50 años del INCO.

"Clustering is semidefinitely not that hard",  lunes 20/11 a las 16hs.
Sala de seminarios del Instituto de Física (7mo piso FING)

Favor reenviar (nuevamente).


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Tenemos el agrado de tener de visita a Mariano Tepper, investigador
del grupo de neurociencia del Flatiron Institute (Simons Foundation) y
amigo de la casa.

Mariano dará una charla sobre su trabajo actual, que muchos de ustedes
(espero) encontrarán de interés.

"Clustering is semidefinitely not that hard",  lunes 20/11 a las 16hs.
Sala de seminarios del Instituto de Física (7mo piso FING)

Abajo +información. Favor reenviar a interesados.



Clustering is semidefinitely not that hard

In recent years, semidefinite programs (SDP) have been the subject of
interesting research in the field of clustering. In many cases, these
convex programs deliver the same answers as non-convex alternatives
and come with a guarantee of optimality. In this talk, I will argue
that SDP-KM, a popular semidefinite relaxation of K-means, can learn
manifolds present in the data, something not possible with the
original K-means formulation. To build an intuitive understanding of
SDP-KM's manifold learning capabilities, I will present a theoretical
analysis on an idealized dataset. Additionally, SDP-KM even segregates
linearly non-separable manifolds. As generic SDP solvers are slow on
large datasets, I will also discuss the suitability of efficient
algorithms to SDP-KM. These features render SDP-KM a versatile and
interesting tool for manifold learning while remaining amenable to
theoretical analysis.

Mariano Tepper is currently a member of the neuroscience group at the
Center for Computational Biology, Flatiron Institute. His research
focuses on image processing, computer vision, pattern recognition, and
machine learning. Previously, he was a research scientist at Duke
University. Prior to working at Duke, he was postdoctoral research
associate at the University of Minnesota. Tepper holds a Ph.D. and
licentiate degree in computer science from the Universidad de Buenos
Aires in Argentina and an M.S. in applied mathematics from the École
Normale Supérieure de Cachan in France.

Ernesto Mordecki
Facultad de Ciencias - Centro de Matematica
Igua 4225 - 11400 - Montevideo - Uruguay
Tel:  (598 2) 525 25 22 interno 122.
Fax: (598 2) 522 06 53
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