[Probabilidad-Estadistica-Seminario] Seminario de Probabilidad y Estadística -- Viernes 15 de julio
Andrés Sosa
asosa en cmat.edu.uy
Mie Jul 13 10:28:35 UYT 2016
Este viernes 15 de julio a las *10:00 horas* en el salón de seminarios del
Centro de Matemática hablará* Catherine Aaron *(Université Blaise -- Pascal
Clermont II) en el seminario de Probabilidad y Estadística.
El título de la charla es: *S**ome properties of the Delaunay Restriction
of a sample of point.*
*Let us consider the Delaunay triangulation of a set of points drawn on a
set S, it is well known that it triangulates the convex hull of the points
that can be very different from S. We are going to show that, under some
regularities asumptions on S, removing "big triangles" allows to estimate
well s, and also its boundary and the measure of its boundary. We are also
going to present "negatives" results in some degeneratedcases.*
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