[EstudiantesMatemática] Fwd: One World Dynamics Seminar - 10th November - Marcel Guardia and Andrew Clarke

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Lun Nov 6 21:44:02 -03 2023

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---------- Mensaje reenviado ---------
De: Anna FLORIO <florio en ceremade.dauphine.fr>
Fecha: El mar, 31 de oct. de 2023 a la(s) 07:47
Asunto: One World Dynamics Seminar - 10th November - Marcel Guardia and
Andrew Clarke
Para: Anna FLORIO <florio en ceremade.dauphine.fr>

Dear all,

The next One World Dynamics Seminar will take place on Friday 10
November 2023, 3pm Berlin time (2pm London, 9am Washington DC) - 4:30pm
Berlin time (3:30pm London, 10:30am Washington DC)  with talks by Marcel
Guardia <https://web.mat.upc.edu/marcel.guardia/> and Andrew Clarke


   Marcel Guardia <https://web.mat.upc.edu/marcel.guardia/>, Universitat de
   Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain: *Unstable motions in Celestial Mechanics.* 3pm
   Berlin time (2pm London, 9am Washington DC).

   Abstract:  One of the oldest problems in dynamical systems is the
   stability of the Solar System. That is, whether the Keplerian ellipses of
   planets' orbits in a planetary N-body problem undergo large long-term
   changes. Nowadays, it is known that the answer is rather nuanced and that
   stability and instability coexist for nearby initial conditions. In this
   talk I will explain how to construct unstable motions (chaos, oscillatory
   motions, and even Arnold diffusion) in different models in Celestial

   Andrew Clarke
   Politècnica de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain: *Why are inner planets not
   inclined?* 3:45pm Berlin time (2:45pm London, 9:45am Washington DC).

   Abstract:  Consider the Newtonian 4-body problem, in the regime where 3
   bodies (the planets) revolve on near-elliptical orbits around the other
   body (the sun). A long-held belief, culminating in the XVIII century in the
   first stability theorem of Laplace and Lagrange, is that the semimajor axes
   are stable. Assuming the initial conditions of the semimajor axes are of
   different orders, and that there is a large mutual inclination between
   planets 1 and 2, we prove that there are orbits of the 4-body problem where
   the semimajor axis of planet 3 can follow any itinerary, with arbitrary
   precision. In addition, along such orbits, we can make the eccentricity and
   inclination of the orbital ellipse of planet 2 follow any itinerary, again
   with arbitrary precision. For example, planet 2 may flip from prograde to
   retrograde nearly-horizontal revolutions. Moreover its orbital ellipse can
   go from near-circular to highly eccentric. This is an instance of the
   phenomenon known as *Arnold diffusion*.

Zoom link and joining instructions below. More information on the OWDS can
be found here  https://sites.google.com/view/oneworlddynamics/home

on behalf of all the organisers

Montie Avery <https://sites.google.com/a/umn.edu/avery142/>, Boston

Alex Blumenthal <http://people.math.gatech.edu/~ablumenthal6/>, Georgia Tech

Maximilian Engel <https://sites.google.com/view/maximilian-engel/home>,
Freie Universität Berlin

Anna Florio <https://annafloriomath.wordpress.com/>, Université Paris

Michela Ottobre <https://www.macs.hw.ac.uk/~mo3/>, Heriot-Watt University

Jasmin Raissy <https://www.math.u-bordeaux.fr/~jraissy/>, Université de

Matteo Tanzi <https://sites.google.com/view/mtanzi/>, King's College London


   Zoom link :

   Meeting ID: 927 1347 3429

   Passcode: OWDS
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