[EstudiantesMatemática]Seminario de Dinámica del Viernes 13/9

Pablo Lessa pablitolessa en gmail.com
Mie Sep 11 16:33:38 -03 2019

Hola a todas y todos,

Este *Viernes 13 de Septiembre* a las *14:30* en el salón de seminarios del
*IMERL* nos hablará por segunda vez *Pierre-Antoine Guiheneuf*.   Copio
título y resumen más abajo.



*Title:* Dirac physical measures: generic behaviour and one example

*Abstract:* This talk will be made of two independent parts, around Dirac
physical measures for diffeomorphisms. Dirac measures supported on sinks
are the simplest examples of Dirac physical measures; as a first part I
will show that these are the only ones for C1-generic diffeomorphisms.

I will then explain an example of a C1 diffeomorphism for which it is
possible to understand almost completely its intricate ergodic behaviour:
it has a Dirac measure supported on a hyperbolic fixed point of saddle
type, whose statistical basin of attraction is a nowhere dense set with
positive Lebesgue measure.

Joint work with Pablo Guarino and Bruno Santiago
------------ próxima parte ------------
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