[EstudiantesMatemática] Fwd: Postdoctoral position in Dynamical Systems - University Paris-Sud 11 (Orsay)

Rafael Potrie rafaelpotrie en gmail.com
Dom Oct 7 22:33:49 -03 2018

Envío una posición de postdoc en Paris.

Si conocen (o son) potenciales interesados/as me contactan.


Applications are invited for a postdoctoral position in Ergodic Theory and
Dynamical Systems within the project Non Uniform Hyperbolicity in Global
Dynamics of Sylvain Crovisier funded by the ERC.

- Beginning: september 2019 - Length: 24 months - Location: Laboratoire de
Mathématiques d’Orsay, Université Paris-Sud 11, France
- Teaching: no teaching load
- Income: the salary is about 2 100 euros per month

Research: this postdoctoral position is funded by the ERC project Non
Uniform Hyperbolicity in Global Dynamics. This project studies the
qualitative, symbolic and probabilistic aspects of the dynamics of
differentiable dynamical systems (diffeomorphisms or flows). It focuses in
particular to:
   * partial hyperbolicity and various notions of non-uniform hyperbolicity,
   * symbolic dynamics and ergodic theory of differentiable systems,
   * perturbative techniques and genericity.
The research project of the candidate should be related to one of the main
tasks of this project.

Application: the candidate should sent an e-mail to Sylvain Crovisier with
subject [Postdoc NUHGD] YOUR_NAME YOUR_SURNAME by 10th December 2018. The
email should include a CV (including a list of publications), a short
description of the research and a research plan. Complete articles should
not be attached to the email, but links to Arxiv or a web page are very
welcome. Recommendation letters should be sent directly by the reference
using an email with the same subject as the candidate.

Deadline: 10th December 2018 at 24:00 (Paris-time).
Contact: sylvain.crovisier en math.u-psud.fr

Rafael Potrie
rafaelpotrie en gmail.com
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