[EstudiantesMatemática] Fwd: two postdoc positions in Berlin

Diego Armentano diego en cmat.edu.uy
Jue Oct 4 23:24:38 -03 2018

Hola, reenvío información sobre dos posdoctorados en TU Berlín sobre temas
relacionados a complejidad y condicionamiento.

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Peter Buergisser <pbuerg en math.tu-berlin.de>
Date: mar., 2 de oct. de 2018 a la(s) 11:13
Subject: two postdoc positions in Berlin
To: Carlos Beltrán <beltranc en unican.es>, Diego Armentano <diegoax en gmail.com>,
Michael Shub <shub.michael en gmail.com>

Dear friends,

there is an opening for two postdoc positions in my group at TU Berlin
without teaching obligations. The positions are financed by my ERC grant
COCAN: Complexity and Condition in Algebra and Numerics.

Please spread the news to potentially interested candidates.

The official starting date is January 2019, but starting at a later date
later is possible.
The positions are for a maximum of 5 years.

I will be happy to answer questions.

The links to the positions are given below.

Best regards,

Peter Bürgisser






Diego Armentano
diego en cmat.edu.uy <diegoax en gmail.com>
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