[EstudiantesMatemática]Seminario de álgebra del IMERL

Ana González anagon en fing.edu.uy
Mie Mar 29 20:49:32 UYT 2017

este viernes vamos a poder escuchar a Sonia Fernandes de la Universidade
Federal de Viçosa.

Nos va hablar sobre:


Resumen:* In this talk, we will speak of the shape of the Auslander-**Reiten
triangles in the bounded derived category of the module cat**egory of a
finite dimensional non-semisimple algebra over a field **k. So, we have
given a characterization of the mapping cone of an **Auslander-Reiten
triangle. The characterization depends strongly **on the three kinds of
irreducible maps. And this characterization*
*allow us to simplify the mapping cone and also to give a complete
of Auslander-Reiten triangles.*

Nos vemos el viernes en el salón de seminarios del IMERL a las 11:15.

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