[EstudiantesMatemática] Fwd: Winter School on Conservative Dynamics (5-12 Feb. 2017, Engelberg, Switzerland)

emaderna emaderna en cmat.edu.uy
Mar Oct 11 06:48:20 UYT 2016

Buenos días,

Les informo que en febrero se realizará en Suiza una interesante escuela de
invierno organizada por el ETH sobre dinámica lagrangiana y hamiltoniana.
Hay financiación para el alojamiento y gastos de estadía de estudiantes.


Ezequiel Maderna
---------- Mensaje reenviado ----------
De: "Alfonso Sorrentino" <alfonso.sorrentino en gmail.com>
Fecha: 10 oct. 2016 15:51
Asunto: Winter School on Conservative Dynamics (5-12 Feb. 2017, Engelberg,
Cc: "Alfonso Sorrentino" <sorrentino en mat.uniroma2.it>, "Vadim Kaloshin" <
vadim.kaloshin en gmail.com>, "Marcel Guardia" <mguardia en gmail.com>

Dear Colleagues,
> we are sending you the announcement and the poster (pdf) of a winter
> school on "Conservative Dynamics" that we are organizing in Engelberg
> (Switzerland) on 6-11 February 2017.
> We would kindly ask you to bring this message to the attention of
> interested people (students, post-docs, etc.)
> We should be able to cover the local expenses (lodging and meals) to many
> applicants (priority, of course, will be given to students and postdocs). The
> deadline for applying to the financial support is 15th November 2016.
> If you need further information, please do not hesitate to contact us.
> Best regards,
> Marcel Guardia
> Vadim Kaloshin
> Alfonso Sorrentino
> ------------------------------------------------------------
> ETH-ITS Winter School on
> Engelberg, Switzerland, 5-11 February 2017.
> Courses:
> - Bassam Fayad (Institut de Mathématiques de Jussieu & CNRS, Paris)
> "Quasi-periodic Birkhoff sums in smooth ergodic theory"
> - Marcel Guardia (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Barcelona)
> "Oscillatory motions in the three body problem"
> - Vadim Kaloshin (University of Maryland and ETH-ITS Zürich)
> "Stochastic Arnol’d diffusion"
> - Alfonso Sorrentino (Università di Roma “Tor Vergata”)
> "Birkhoff Billiards"
> FINANCIAL SUPPORT: We invite interested participants to apply for
> financial support (which includes lodging and meals). Please, send an email
> to  winterschool en eth-its.ethz.ch  before 15th November 2016, including
> your CV and a one-page description of your research.
> Priority will be given to students and post-docs.
> Results will be announced by the end of November .
> REGISTRATION FEE: 150 CHF (to be paid by 10th December 2016 by all
> participants). Please follow the instruction on this website:
> http://www.eth-its.ethz.ch/its-winter-school-2017.html
> For further information, please visit the web page:
> https://people.math.ethz.ch/~felder/eth-its/dynsys2017/
> ORGANIZERS: M. Guardia, V. Kaloshin and A. Sorrentino.
> marcel.guardia en upc.edu
> vadim.kaloshin en gmail.com
> sorrentino en mat.uniroma2.it
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