[EstudiantesMatemática] A gentle introduction to Topoi in Logic (part II)

mauricio en cmat.edu.uy mauricio en cmat.edu.uy
Vie Jul 26 16:34:23 UYT 2013


Jonas Frey nos propone continuar con la exposicion anterior acerca de la 
Teoria de Topoi. En esta ocasion proponemos que la charla sea el dia 
miercoles a las 11 horas en el cmat.

Estan todos cordialmente invitados,


Having explained the basics in the first part, I will continue the survey
of topos-logic in the second part of my talk. Topics that I would like to
treat include:
- power objects and the subobject classifier
- the axiom of choice in toposes
- natural numbers in toposes
- real numbers in toposes
- dependent products and the type theoretical axiom of choice
I can adapt my talk to the wishes of the audience if there are particular
topics of interest.

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