[EstudiantesMatemática] CIMPA School - November 2012 - Stochastic Dynamics of Particles and Networks

Nicolás Frevenza nfrevenza en gmail.com
Lun Sep 10 21:22:17 UYT 2012

Hola, escribo por lo siguiente:

Entre el 19 y 30 de noviembre se llevará adelante una escuela CIMPA en Mar
del Plata (Argentina) orientada hacia Dinámica estocástica de redes y
partículas. Como en todas las escuelas CIMPA hay dinero para financiar la
estadía y pasajes de quienes apliquen para participar.

La página de las escuela es
http://cms.dm.uba.ar/investigacion/grupos_inv/probabilidad/cimpa.htm. La
fecha límite para completar la aplicación es el 15 de Setiembre (el sábado
que viene); para ello se debe completar el formulario de CIMPA disponible
en http://www.cimpa-icpam.org/inscription/en/form.php.

Abajo copio los resúmenes de los cursos y los links a las páginas de
quiénes los darán.

Cualquier duda pueden escribir a Matthieu Jonckheere:
matthieu.jonckheere en gmail.com (pueden escribirle en español).




*Marek Biskup (UCLA)* - http://www.math.ucla.edu/~biskup/

*Random walk in random environments and Gibbs measures.*

The course will explain the concepts of Harmonic Deformation and will
provide a thorough analysis of random walks on infinite percolation
clusters. Attention will also be given to phase transitions in quantum-spin

*Francois Baccelli (ENS-INRIA)* - http://www.di.ens.fr/~baccelli/

*Stochastic geometry and wireless systems.*

The course focuses on stochastic geometry and on the evaluation of spatial
averages within this context. It contains two main parts, one on classical
stochastic geometry (point processes, Boolean models, percolation, random
tessellations, shot noise fields, etc.) and one on a new branch of
stochastic geometry which is based on information theoretic notions, such
as signal to interference ratios, and which is motivated by the modeling of
wireless networks. This second part revisits several basic questions of
classical stochastic geometry such as coverage or connectivity within this
new framework.

*James Martin (Oxford university)* - http://www.stats.ox.ac.uk/~martin/

*Queuing Systems and particle models. *

- basic ideas of Markov chains, stationary distributions, couplings,
detailed balance, time-reversal,
- reversible Markov chains as weighted random walks on graphs (connections
to electrical networks),
- Markov Chain Monte Carlo and Glauber dynamics, examples (hard-core model,
graph colourings),
- phase transitions, mixing times
- models with "dynamic reversibility": exclusion processes, Jackson
- Relation between multitype queues and multitype TASEPs.

*Maria Eulalia Vares (CBPF)* - http://www.cbpf.br/~eulalia/


- Large deviations, basic results
- Small perturbations of dynamical Systems (Freidlin and Wentzell)
- Large deviations in statistical mechanics.
- Metastability: the Curie-Weiss model and the contact process.
- Metastable behavior of lattice spin systems.
- Ising model and Kawasaki dynamics

*Pablo Ferrari (UBA) - * http://mate.dm.uba.ar/~pferrari/

*Point processes*

- Poisson point processes. Construction
- Gibbs point processes. Perfect simulation of interacting point processes.
- Loss networks.
- Metropolis Hastings algorithm.
- Spacial birth and death processes.
- Lebesgue Poisson marriage.
- Random graphs with vertices in point processes.
- The Poisson web, construction.
- Matching point processes.
- Quantum Gibbs measures.
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