[EstudiantesMatemática] Summer School In Nonlinear Analysis and Geometric PDE - Announcement (fwd)

Javier Cóppola javier.coppola.rodriguez en gmail.com
Sab Mar 15 14:48:05 UYT 2008

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Dr. Roberto Markarian - IMERL <roma en fing.edu.uy>
Date: 14-mar-2008 15:23
Subject: [Todos CMAT] Summer School In Nonlinear Analysis and Geometric PDE
- Announcement (fwd)
To: todos_imerl en fing.edu.uy, todos en cmat.edu.uy

Date: Fri, 14 Mar 2008 17:53:35 +0400
From: Michael Poghosyan <michael en ysu.am>
To:  <michael en ysu.am>
Subject: Summer School In Nonlinear Analysis and Geometric PDE -

Dear Colleagues,

In June 2008 we are organizing a CIMPA-UNESCO-SUMMER-SCHOOL in Armenia.
The Speakers are

           * *Luis A. Caffarelli* (University of Texas at Austin, USA)
             /The porous media equation and geometric methods in non
             linear PDE/

           * *Henri Berestycki* (EHESS, Paris, France)
             /Reaction-diffusion equations and propagation phenomena/

           * *Yann Brenier* (CNRS, Univ. de Nice, France)
             /Optimal transport, convection and magnetic relaxation/

           * *Stephan Luckhaus* (Universitat Leipzig, Germany)
             /Minimal surfaces, free boundary problems and geometric
             measure theory/

           * *Nina Uraltseva* (St. Petersburg State University, Russia)
             /Regularity of free boundaries in Obstacle-type problems/

We would be very grateful if you would distribute the information about
our school


among your colleagues and students. There will be some funding for
participants from the regional countries and former soviet republics.

Best regards,

Michael Poghosyan.

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