[Todos CMAT] Fwd: [IMU AO Circular Letter 2/2024] Nomination of invited plenary and sectional speakers for ICM 2026

Lydia (cmat) lydia en cmat.edu.uy
Vie Abr 26 18:18:16 -03 2024

---------- Forwarded message ---------
De: IMU Secretary <secretary en mathunion.org>
Date: mié, 24 abr 2024 a las 9:51
Subject: [IMU AO Circular Letter 2/2024] Nomination of invited plenary and
sectional speakers for ICM 2026
To: <ao en mathunion.org>

To: The Adhering Organizations of the International Mathematical Union (IMU)

Dear colleagues

The Program Committee (PC) for the International Congress of Mathematicians
2026 <https://www.icm2026.org/> in Philadelphia, USA, 23–30 July 2026, has
been established.

At this moment in time the Adhering Organizations of the IMU and
mathematical societies worldwide are invited to nominate plenary and
sectional speakers.

I refer to section 4 of the 2023 report
the ICM Structure Committee, which lists the ICM 2026 sections as proposed
by the ICM Structure Committee and endorsed by the IMU Executive Committee
(see CL 8/2023
When you make nominations for speakers, please specify whether you suggest
them as plenary speakers or sectional speakers. In case of proposals of
sectional speakers, please indicate to which sections you would like the
persons to be invited. Shared lectures between sections are also possible.

As a reminder, the IMU Executive Committee also endorsed the proposal to
leave 20 sectional talks, and one or two plenary talks, to be assigned to
special lectures (described in section 3.3 of the report). Nominations for
these talks are also invited.

All communication concerning the scientific program of ICM 2026 is handled
by the Chair of the Program Committee, Claire Voisin. Please direct all
your proposals for invited plenary and sectional speakers to Claire Voisin
using the email address

chair en pc26.mathunion.org.

Nominations should be received by the PC Chair no later than *1 November

Christoph Sorger

[image: logo] *Christoph Sorger*
Secretary General of the International Mathematical Union
[image: phone] +33 251125921 <+33251125921>  [image: mail]
secretary en mathunion.org <secretary en mathunion.org>  [image: www]
www.mathunion.org <https://www.mathunion.org>
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