[Todos CMAT] Seminar on Lp- and Orlicz Space Methods in Global Analysis (April 24)

Emiliano Sequeira esequeira en cmat.edu.uy
Jue Abr 20 11:08:51 -03 2023


Copio acá abajo una invitación a un seminario por Zoom que coorganizo hace algún tiempo y que en esta ocasión tendrá como expositor a Rafael Potrie. 
Si alguien tiene interés en participar de las próximas sesiones me escribe y lo agrego a la lista de difusión.


Dear Colleagues,
The next meeting of the Zoom Seminar on Lp- and Orlicz Space Methods in Global Analysis will be held on Monday, April 24, at 3 pm CET. Our next speaker is 

Prof. Rafael Potrie (Universidad de la República, Montevideo, Uruguay)

Quasi isometric embeddings of hyperbolic groups in higher rank

Abstract: Given a hyperbolic group $Gamma$ we want to understand the space of embeddings into Lie groups $G$ to try to infer some geometric information of $Gamma$ out of the geometry of the symmetric space of $G$. Such embeddings are given by faithful and discrete representations $rho: Gamma to G$. In this setting, when $G$ is rank one, such representations are called emph{convex cocompact} and many studies have been made about their properties and their limit set in the boundary at infinity of the symmetric space. We shall discuss some possible analogues in higher rank as well as propose some questions and remarks about these. 

Our link is as follows :
https://salavirtual-udelar.zoom.us/j/84635519286?pwd=SmFxQmNyY1F0TVhjdmgwZStBdS9lQT09 (https://salavirtual-udelar.zoom.us/j/84635519286?pwd=SmFxQmNyY1F0TVhjdmgwZStBdS9lQT09)

ID: 846 3551 9286
Password: zbGe4BP=+0
Best regards,
Yaroslav and Emiliano
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