[Todos CMAT] Fwd: [Postes rouges] CNRS 2023

Rafael Potrie rpotrie en cmat.edu.uy
Mie Sep 28 02:26:16 -03 2022


Les recuerdo este mensaje. Si hay gente interesada, les ruego contactarse a
la brevedad con un avance del punto

1) The candidate prepares a file, that contains:
- A Vitae (with list of publications).
- A specific scientific project for the visit.
- Tentative dates of stay.
- The candidates should also contact the laboratory they want to visit in
France and include an approval from its director (one line in an email is

Hay poco tiempo.


-------- Message transféré --------
Sujet : [Postes rouges] CNRS 2023
Date : Tue, 27 Sep 2022 11:16:38 +0200
De : Jean-Stephane Dhersin <jean-stephane.dhersin en cnrs.fr>
<jean-stephane.dhersin en cnrs.fr>
Répondre à : insmi.international en cnrs.fr
Pour : INSMI International <insmi.international en cnrs.fr>
<insmi.international en cnrs.fr>
Copie à : Jean-Stephane Dhersin <jean-stephane.dhersin en cnrs.fr>
<jean-stephane.dhersin en cnrs.fr>

Dear all,

I would like to send you the « postes rouges" call that I sent you in July.
The deadline is 15 October. I remind you that the files must be sent to us
through you.


Jean-Stéphane Dhersin
Directeur Adjoint Scientifique
Insmi du CNRS
jean-stephane.dhersin en cnrs.fr

**Please note that the files have to be sent by you (or the director if you
are not the director), as explained in the procedure. You can do that by
answering this email**

Dear Director of IRL/ Coordinator of LIA or IRN,

The Institute of Mathematics of the CNRS (INSMI) should be able as last
year to offer a limited number of research positions in 2023, available to
foreign visitors from the “IRLs”, “LIAs” or “IRNs”.

I hereby recall that these positions are for *three* months (shorter visits
cannot be funded under this scheme).

Invitations can be extended at any seniority level (assistant, associate or
full professors).

The offer is open to all non-French academics, member or not of your IRL,
LIA or IRN: however, a clear connection with the scientific activity of the
IRL/LIA/IRN should appear in the file.

We do not yet know the precise number of positions we shall be able to

We thank you for advertising for such positions and inviting people who
might be interested to prepare application files.

1)     The candidate prepares a file, that contains:
- A Vitae (with list of publications).
- A specific scientific project for the visit.
- Tentative dates of stay.
- The candidates should also contact the laboratory they want to visit in
France and include an approval from its director (one line in an email is

2)     The candidate contacts and sends the file to the IRL/LIA/IRN

3)     The coordinator  forwards the complete proposals (if needed ranked) *by
October, 15 2022* to the following address: insmi.international en cnrs.fr
with [postes rouges] in the subject of the email.

I recall that it is mandatory that:
-The visitors are less than 65 years of age.
-The visit starts *and* ends during the civil year 2023.

With best wishes,

Jean-Stéphane Dhersin
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