[Todos CMAT] Fwd: [IMU AO CL 9/2022] The ICM 2022 and the General Assembly

Lydia Tappa lydia en cmat.edu.uy
Mar Mar 15 10:07:30 -03 2022

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De: IMU Secretary <secretary en mathunion.org>
Date: vie, 11 mar 2022 a la(s) 18:36
Subject: [IMU AO CL 9/2022] The ICM 2022 and the General Assembly
To: <ao en mathunion.org>

To: The Adhering Organizations of the International Mathematical Union (IMU)

Dear colleagues,

We refer to CLs 5/2022
 and 6/2022
recent changes for the ICM 2022
and the General Assembly (GA).  We write to you now with an update
the details of these events.

*19th IMU General Assembly, 3–4 July 2022 (Helsinki, Finland)*

After our official statements regarding the GA, the IMU received several
generous offers to
host the event, for which we are very grateful. After careful assessment,
the IMU decided to
accept the offer from Finland with Helsinki as the venue.

We plan for a traditional two-day GA. As for the 2018 GA, the IMU will
offer partial travel support
for one delegate from each member, and full hotel accommodation in Helsinki
during the GA.
Only delegates will be admitted to the GA. We will return with further
details in due course.

*IMU Award Ceremony, 5 July 2022 (Helsinki, Finland)*
All IMU awards will be presented at an in-person event in Helsinki,
Finland, on the day
following the GA. Admission will be free of charge but advance registration
is required.
Further details will follow shortly.

*ICM 2022, 6–14 July 2022*

The ICM will be a fully virtual event with free participation. We all
realize that a virtual meeting
cannot replace the traditional in-person ICM, but in the current situation,
we think this is the
best way forward.  The speakers have been contacted, and we are in the
process of setting up
the program. Each speaker will be given the option of giving a live or a
prerecorded talk. We intend
to follow a program that runs 9:00–18:00 CEST every day.

We are also aware of efforts within the mathematical community to organize
in person and online
events to complement the virtual ICM 2022. As satellite events, the IMU
cannot provide financial
or organizational support to these activities, but we wholly commend the
organizers for their efforts
and are grateful for their engagement. A. Borodin <borodin en math.mit.edu>, M.
Hairer <m.hairer en imperial.ac.uk>, and T. Tao <tao en math.ucla.edu> are
moderators of the
Satellite Coordination Group, which is coordinating these efforts.

*ICM Proceedings*

The ICM Proceedings will be produced by EMS Press <https://ems.press>, the
publishing house of the European
Mathematical Society. The editors will be S. Smirnov (Geneva) and D.
Beliaev (Oxford).

We will return with further information when available.
We ask for your patience and understanding in the meantime.

Helge Holden
[image: photograph] *Prof. Helge Holden*
Secretary General of the International Mathematical Union
[image: photograph]+47-92038625 <+4792038625>   [image: photograph]
secretary en mathunion.org <secretary en mathunion.org>   [image: photograph]
www.mathunion.org <https://www.mathunion.org>

AO en mathunion.org
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