[Todos CMAT] Fwd: [IMU AO CL 8/2022] The IMU signs the Declaration on Research Assessment (DORA)

Lydia Tappa lydia en cmat.edu.uy
Mie Mar 9 10:37:26 -03 2022

---------- Forwarded message ---------
De: IMU Secretary <secretary en mathunion.org>
Date: mié, 9 mar 2022 a la(s) 11:13
Subject: [IMU AO CL 8/2022] The IMU signs the Declaration on Research
Assessment (DORA)
To: <ao en mathunion.org>

To: The Adhering Organizations of the International Mathematical Union (IMU)

Dear colleagues

I write to inform you that the IMU recently signed the Declaration on
Research Assessment <https://sfdora.org> (DORA), following
a recommendation from the IMU Committee on Electronic Information and
Communication. You can find the full
declaration here <https://sfdora.org/read/>.

DORA recognizes the need to improve the ways in which the outputs of
scholarly research are evaluated.
Its vision is to advance practical and robust approaches to research
assessment globally and across all
scholarly disciplines.

We encourage all our members to sign this declaration.

Helge Holden

[image: photograph] *Prof. Helge Holden*
Secretary General of the International Mathematical Union
[image: photograph]+47-92038625 <+4792038625>   [image: photograph]
secretary en mathunion.org <secretary en mathunion.org>   [image: photograph]
www.mathunion.org <https://www.mathunion.org>

AO en mathunion.org
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