[Todos CMAT] Fwd: [IMU AO CL 4/2022] Regarding the ICM 2022 and IMU General Assembly

Lydia Tappa lydia en cmat.edu.uy
Jue Mar 3 20:48:27 -03 2022

---------- Forwarded message ---------
De: IMU Secretary <secretary en mathunion.org>
Date: jue, 24 feb 2022 a la(s) 09:00
Subject: [IMU AO CL 4/2022] Regarding the ICM 2022 and IMU General Assembly
To: <ao en mathunion.org>

To: The Adhering Organizations of the International Mathematical Union

Dear colleagues,

The IMU is deeply concerned about recent developments in Russia and
Ukraine, two countries
adhering to the IMU. As you will be aware, ICM 2022 and the IMU General
Assembly are scheduled to take place
in St Petersburg in July this year.

The IMU has been approached by several societies and individuals who raise
serious and understandable concerns
about the consequences of the conflict for the ICM and the General

The Executive Committee of the IMU is now assessing the situation, and will
make a decision as soon
as possible regarding how to proceed.
We will communicate this decision to our members once it has been
made without delay.

Helge Holden
[image: photograph] *Prof. Helge Holden*
Secretary General of the International Mathematical Union
[image: photograph]+47-92038625 <+4792038625>   [image: photograph]
secretary en mathunion.org <secretary en mathunion.org>   [image: photograph]
www.mathunion.org <https://www.mathunion.org>

AO en mathunion.org
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