[Todos CMAT] Fwd: Neptalí Romero awarded with the Fundación Empresas Polar Award "Lorenzo Mendoza Fleury"

Eleonora Catsigeras eleonora en fing.edu.uy
Jue Abr 28 12:34:24 -03 2022

Recibí. Y retransmito. ¡Felicitaciones, Neptali! Nos alegra mucho esta
buena noticia.

---------- Forwarded message ---------
De: Yamilet del Carmen Quintana Mato <yquintana en usb.ve>
Date: jue., 28 de abr. de 2022 12:30
Subject: Neptalí Romero awarded with the Fundación Empresas Polar Award
"Lorenzo Mendoza Fleury"
To: Jacob Palis <jpalis en impa.br>
Cc: Alvaro Rovella <leva en cmat.edu.uy>, Jorge Delgado <jdelgado en id.uff.br>,
Eleonora Catsigeras <eleonora17 en gmail.com>, Eleonora Catsigeras <
eleonora en fing.edu.uy>

Dear Professors,

I am pleased to inform you that today Fundación Empresas Polar has
announced the winners of the 20th Edition of FEP Award "Lorenzo Mendoza
Fleury", among whom is our dearest Neptalí Romero, Full Professor from
Department Mathematics, Universidad Centroccidental "Lisandro Alvarado".

Once again, I would like to thank you for your valuable collaboration and
help during the Neptali candidate application process.

Below, a recent press release containing the announcement of the winners
(in Spanish):

Kind regards,

*---Prof. Yamilet Quintana*

*Departamento de Matemáticas P & A*

*Universidad Simón Bolívar*
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