[Todos CMAT] Fwd: International Women's Day on March 8/International Day of Mathematics on March 14

Eugenia Ellis eellis en fing.edu.uy
Jue Feb 18 16:16:16 -03 2021

Estimados todos, reenvío información de dos actividades a realizarse en

1) 8 de marzo: Mujeres en matemática durante el período COVID.

2) 14 de marzo: Día internacional de la matemática. El título de este año
es "Matemáticas para un mundo mejor".


---------- Forwarded message ---------
De: M-F Roy <marie-francoise.roy en univ-rennes1.fr>
Date: jue, 18 de feb. de 2021 a la(s) 14:49
Subject: International Women's Day on March 8/International Day of
Mathematics on March 14
To: Marie-Francoise Roy <marie-francoise.roy en univ-rennes1.fr>

Dear CWM ambasadors

a) CWM was nformed of an initiative organized on nternational Women's Day,
March 8th
"Women in Mathematics during the time of COVID"

The Centre de recherches mathématiques will be hosting the virtual workshop
"Women in Mathematics during the time of COVID" on International Women's
Day, March 8th, 1PM-8PM EST, aiming to raise awareness of the career
challenges experienced by women mathematicians during the pandemic. <
Four outstanding mathematicians will highlight their recent work, as well
as the unusual circumstances that either led to it or challenged it. These
talks will be followed by an informal panel discussion held in the evening,
with a focus on the perspective of junior women mathematicians.
All members of the mathematical community are welcome. Please register in
advance here.http://www.crm.umontreal.ca/2021/WomenMath21/index_e.php

See more on CWM website https://www.mathunion.org/cwm/news

If you organize other initiatives for Women in Mathematics on March 8,
please inform us at cwm.info en mathunion.org

b) The International Day of Mathematics IDM takes place every year on March
14. This year the theme is "Mathematics for a better world"

Find attached documents describing it in english and in french and
distribute them.

Please encourage participation to the event !

IDM is also an opportunity for making more visible the love of girls and
women for  mathematics worldwide

Take care



Dra Eugenia Ellis
Profesora Adjunta

Instituto de Matemática y Estadística
"Prof. Ing. Rafael Laguardia"
Facultad de Ingeniería - UDELAR
Julio Herrera y Reissig 565 CP11300.
Montevideo, Uruguay.

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