[Todos CMAT] Fwd: CWM Newsletter 4

Eugenia Ellis eellis en fing.edu.uy
Mar Nov 3 16:11:24 -03 2020

Hola a todos
Reenvío el CWM newsletter número 4.

---------- Forwarded message ---------
De: M-F Roy <marie-francoise.roy en univ-rennes1.fr>
Date: mar., 3 de nov. de 2020 a la(s) 15:20
Subject: CWM Newsletter 4

Dear CWM ambassadors

Please  distribute widely the following  information. CWM Newsletter 4 is
attached and you can also reach it through

Best wishes


Dear colleagues,

CWM is the International Mathematical Union Committee for Women in
Mathematics and CWM Newsletter number 4 can be found here

We start the newsletter by an interview with a CWM member, Neela Nataraj,
head of the Department of
Mathematics at IIT Bombay. We then continue with “News
>From CWM”. This includes the funding call for 2021 and agenda of our recent
virtual CWM
meeting. Our external article is about the ‘Standing Committee for
Gender Equality in Science(SCGES)’, by its chair Catherine Jami.

The Covid-19 pandemic continues to spread and affect the lives of everyone,
and the
negative impact of this crisis on women and junior mathematicians is hard
to ignore.
We draw attention to the European Women in Mathematics Open Letter on the
COVID-19 pandemic
which addresses this issue on our  ‘Other News’ part We also invite
contributions to the CWM page “Women in math and the COVID-19 crisis”:
these may be links to initiatives or data regarding the impact on women or
other vulnerable groups in the math or science community; or they may be
personal stories. Please write to cwm.info en mathunion.org.

We invite your feedback and suggestions about the Newsletter. Hope you enjoy
reading it! Please distribute it in your country and your scientific


Marie-Francoise Roy, Carolina Araujo

Chairl and Vice-chair of the International Mathematical Union Committee for
Women in Mathematics
https://www.mathunion.org/cwm/ <http://www.mathunion.org>

Marie-Francoise Roy
chair of the IMU Committee for Women in Mathematics mathunion.org/cwm/
coordinator of the Gender Gap in Science project gender-gap-in-science.org

Marie-Francoise Roy
chair of the IMU Committee for Women in Mathematics mathunion.org/cwm/
coordinator of the Gender Gap in Science project gender-gap-in-science.org


Dra Eugenia Ellis
Profesora Adjunta

Instituto de Matemática y Estadística
"Prof. Ing. Rafael Laguardia"
Facultad de Ingeniería - UDELAR
Julio Herrera y Reissig 565 CP11300.
Montevideo, Uruguay.

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