[Todos CMAT] 5 post-doc en la SNS de Pisa

Ezequiel Maderna eze en fing.edu.uy
Mar Dic 1 10:18:53 -03 2020

Estimados, transmito la siguiente oferta comunicada por el Prof. Stefano
El centro De Giorgi de la Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa es uno de los
lugares más prestigiosos en Italia y las becas son muy buenas.
Deadline para aplicar: *12 de enero del 2021*
Es posible aplicar si el candidato obtendrá el doctorado antes del 1ero de
octubre del 2021.

Dear Colleague,

I would be grateful if you could bring to the attention of your best
postgraduate students and PhD holders that *five **two-year long post-doc
research positions* named *Junior Visiting Positions*are available at
the *Centro
De Giorgi - Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa* covering the following subjects:
Position n. 1: Algebraic Geometry and//or Number Theory
Position n. 2: Topology, Differential Geometry and//or Geometric Analysis
Position n. 3: Partial Differential Equations and//or Probability
Position n. 4: Numerical Analysis and//or Financial Mathematics
Position n. 5: Dynamical Systems

PhD students can also apply, provided that they obtain their PhD no later
than October 1st 2021.
Deadline for application: *12th January 2021 (11.59 PM Italian time)*.

The total two-year gross remuneration, inclusive of all taxes, is €
66,590.00 for each contract, corresponding to a monthly salary of
approximately 2,000 Euros. An additional yearly research allowance of 1,000
Euros for exchange visits is also provided.
*Starting date: October 2021*

The Mathjobs announcement is available here:

*https://www.mathjobs.org/jobs/1548 <https://www.mathjobs.org/jobs/1548>*
To submit applications please link to the *ANNOUNCEMENT* at


and read the *OFFICIAL CALL*

Applicants must submit their applications *SOLELY* by using the on-line
procedure "SerSe" (https://serse.sns.it/en/)
<https://serse.sns.it/en/> available
on the Scuola Normale Superiore website and fulfill ALL the tender's
requirements. *No other submission method will be accepted.*

For any question related to the on-line procedure or any additional
information e-mail *job.opportunities en sns.it <job.opportunities en sns.it>*.

Best regards,

Stefano Marmi

Scuola Normale Superiore and
Centro di Ricerca Matematica
Ennio De Giorgi
Palazzo Puteano
Piazza dei Cavalieri 3
56100 PISA

*Hosting thousands visitors every year, since its foundation in 2001 the
Centro di Ricerca Matematica Ennio De Giorgi provides a thriving
international and interdisciplinary research environment and Junior
Visitors can take part in a great variety of scientific activities
including intensive research periods, workshops and seminars, and have a
unique opportunity to interact with top-class scientists.*
*www.crm.sns.it  <http://www.crm.sns.it/>*
*.  *

Dr. Ezequiel C. Maderna
Profesor Agregado
IMERL - Instituto de Matemática y Estadística "Rafael Laguardia"
Facultad de Ingeniería - Universidad de la República
Av. Herrera y Reissig 565, 11300 Montevideo, Uruguay
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