[Todos CMAT] Fwd: [Alio] Fwd: call for postdoc at UNICAMP

roma roma en fing.edu.uy
Lun Jul 8 12:55:10 -03 2019

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----- Mensaje reenviado de Rosiane de FreitasR  
<rosiane en icomp.ufam.edu.br> -----
  Fecha: Tue, 11 Jun 2019 09:00:22 -0400
     De: Rosiane de FreitasR <rosiane en icomp.ufam.edu.br>
Asunto: [Alio] Fwd: call for postdoc at UNICAMP
   Para: ALIO <Alio en dc.uba.ar>

¡Divulgando a los posibles interesados (contactar Prof. Carlile
Lavor-UNICAMP, Brasil)!

---------- Forwarded message ---------
De: <clavor en ime.unicamp.br>


The Center for Research in Mathematical Sciences Applied to Industry
(CEPID CeMEAI) at University of São Paulo opens a post-doctoral research
position in “Geometric Algebra applied to Molecular Geometry”. The
selected candidate will work at the Institute of Mathematics, Statistics
and Scientific Computing (IMECC - UNICAMP), Campinas, SP/Brazil.

São Paulo Research Foundation provides the financial support according to
www.fapesp.br/3162. Financial support can also be provided to cover
transportation expenses as to the move to Campinas - Brazil. An extra
grant is also provided to cover participation in highly relevant
conferences and workshops, as well as research trips (limited to 15% of
the annual amount of the fellowship). The position is for one year.

PROJECT: Conformal Geometric Algebra for NMR Protein Structure Determination

SUPERVISOR: José Mário Martinez Perez

DESCRIPTION: The calculation of the 3D structure of a protein molecule,
using distances between nearby atoms from Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR)
experiments, is a fundamental problem in computational biology. The
problem is NP-hard, known in the literature by the Molecular Distance
Geometry Problem (MDGP). The problem can be described using a graph, where
each vertex is related to an atom of the protein and when the distance is
known between two atoms, we define an edge between the respective
vertices, with weight given by the distance value. To solve the MDGP is to
obtain an immersion of the graph in the 3D space, in such a way that the
calculated Euclidean distances between pairs of atoms are equal to the
weights of the corresponding edges. Considering that the distances of the
NMR experiments are precise values, there is a combinatorial approach that
allows the problem search space to be represented by a binary tree, where
an exact Branch & Prune (BP) method is defined to explore the tree for
solutions. The first attempt to generalize these results in order to
include the uncertainties of the experimental data (with the distances
being represented by "interval" values), was to consider samples at the
associated intervals. This idea made the BP algorithm a heuristic, since
it can no longer be guaranteed that a solution will be found. Refined
samples exponentially increase the search space (the associated tree is no
longer binary), and even then, the solution can be "lost" if the correct
distance is between the values selected by the sampling process. To
maintain the properties of the combinatorial approach and at the same time
to consider the interval distances of the experimental data, we are
proposing to represent the protein molecule in a space of 5 dimensions
(Conformal Space), using a language more powerful than Linear Algebra:
Geometric Algebra. The Conformal Model can be seen as an extension of the
Projective Model, which uses homogeneous coordinates (4 dimensions),
widely used in computational geometry problems. It is desirable that the
candidate should be prepared to work in a multidisciplinary research
group, since the real data will be collected from NMR labs.The research
will be led jointly by Prof. Carlile Lavor.

REQUIREMENTS: Applicants should have PhD in Applied Mathematics with some
experience with the softwares Mathematica and Gaalop. Candidates must have
got their PhD in the last 5 years.

APPLICATION: please send your application before July 5th, 2019 to Prof.
Carlile Lavor (clavor en ime.unicamp.br), indicating “post-doctoral
application” in the subject line. Applications should include curriculum
vitae, statement of research interests and two contact information for
recommendation letters (only PDF files).

CONTRACT CONDITION: grant from FAPESP under the Research, Innovation and
Dissemination Centers (RIDC-CeMEAI) (http://www.fapesp.br/en/17,

Rosiane de Freitas, CS Research Professor
Optimization, Algorithms, and Computational Complexity research group
Institute of Computing - Federal University of Amazonas  (IComp/UFAM)
Manaus - Amazonas, Brazil
+55 92 9 8242-4088

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From: Rosiane de FreitasR <rosiane en icomp.ufam.edu.br>
Subject: [Alio] Fwd: call for postdoc at UNICAMP
Date: Tue, 11 Jun 2019 09:00:22 -0400
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