[Todos CMAT] Fwd: Dynamics Conferences

roma roma en fing.edu.uy
Mar Feb 19 20:45:29 -03 2019

Equidistribution, invariant measures and applications: a tribute to  
the legacy of Marina Ratner

Midrasha Mathematicae, Israel Institute for Advanced Study, Jerusalem,  
May 19-24, 2019

organized by Kostya Khanin, Elon Lindenstrauss, Jens Marklof, Yakov  
Pesin, Peter Sarnak

The meeting will include both research talks and short minicourses.  
Confirmed speakers include:

- Yves Benoist (Orsay)
- Aaron Brown (University of Chicago)
- Dmitry Dolgopyat (University of Maryland)
- Manfred Einsiedler (ETH Zürich)
- Alex Eskin (The University of Chicago)
- Hillel Furstenberg (Hebrew University of Jerusalem)
- Adam Kanigowski (University of Maryland)
- Ilya Khayutin (Princeton University)
- Amos Nevo (Technion)
- Federico Rodriguez Hertz (Penn State University)
- Nimish Shah (The Ohio State University)
- Uri Shapira (Technion)
- Andreas Strömbergsson (Uppsala University)
- Jacob Tsimerman (University of Toronto)
- Corinna Ulcigrai (University of Bristol)

Minicourse speakers include:
- Hee Oh (Yale)
- Barak Weiss (Tel Aviv University)
(there will be at least one more minicourse)

Pre-banquet personal remarks about Marina Ratner will be given by  
Yakov Sinai (Princeton).

The conference website is  
https://ictp.us19.list-manage.com/track/click?u=38f9abce1666519aae684660d&id=d3be68b86f&e=be7079dbe4. We have some (limited) funding to support participants. The deadline for funding application is February 17,  

We hope to see you there!

Kostya, Elon, Jens, Yakov, Peter.
Thermodynamic Formalisms: Ergodic Theory and Geometry

University of Warwick, 22-26 July 2019

which will also celebrate the 60th birthday of Mark Pollicott.

The workshop webpage is at


including a link for registration. (Registration is free of charge but  
is required.) We have limited funding to support participants and  
applications for support can be made when registering. The deadline  
for applications and to request that we arrange accommodation is 14  
April 2019. The final deadline for registration is 2 June 2019.

Please send any queries to richard.j.sharp en gmail.com  
(mailto:richard.j.sharp en gmail.com)

We hope to see many of you at Warwick in July.

Best wishes, the organisers: Oliver Jenkinson, Thomas Jordan, Anders  
Öberg, Richard Sharp, Dan Thompson

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