[Todos CMAT] Fwd: THIRD ANNOUNCEMENT: Dynamics Days Latin America and the Caribbean 2018

Martin Sambarino samba en cmat.edu.uy
Jue Jul 5 12:18:47 -03 2018

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From: DDays LAC 2018 <ddayslac2018 en gmail.com>
Date: 2018-06-29 17:39 GMT-03:00
Subject: THIRD ANNOUNCEMENT: Dynamics Days Latin America and the Caribbean
To: ddayslac2018 en gmail.com


The fifth edition of the DDays LAC will take place in the beautiful city of
Punta del Este, located at the southernmost point in Uruguay, where the Río
de la Plata river meets the Atlantic Ocean, and only an hour and a half
away from the capital city, Montevideo (for information on how to arrive,
please visit: https://ddayslac2018.org/page). The purpose of this meeting
is to bring together world specialists on computational, applied, and
theoretical research in all areas related to non-linear dynamics with
scientists and students from Latin America and the Caribbean. On this
occasion, the conference will be held

There will be a series of invited lectures, short communications, and
posters presented by the participants, with ample time for discussions.
Submission for contributive works in the form of posters or talks are being
received through EasyChair at the conference web-site. *Registration **fees**
cost 300 USD for participants and 150 USD for students* until the 1st of
August. *You can register and submit your work at:*
https://ddayslac2018.org/registration/. The registration fees will cover
conference materials, lunch and coffee breaks during the entire meeting, as
well as the conference dinner, excursion, welcome reception cocktails, and
poster session beverages and snacks. *Limited f**ree** student *
*accommodation* *is offered at the** registration **link*.

Preliminary list of *I**nvited **S**peakers*:

José S. Andrade Jr. (Brazil)

Iberê L. Caldas (Brazil)

Mario Chavez (France)

Silvina Ponce (Argentina)

M. Cristina Depassier (Chile)

Albert Díaz-Guilera (Spain)

Jason A. C. Gallas (Brazil)

Celso Grebogi (United Kingdom)

Marcelo Kuperman (Argentina)

Jürgen Kurths (Germany)

Katja Lindenberg (United States)

Cristina Masoller (Spain)

Gabriel B. Mindlin (Argentina)

Pablo Mininni (Argentina)

Hinke M. Osinga (New Zealand)

Jürgen Kurths (Germany)

Antonio Politi (United Kingdom)*

Rajarshi Roy (United States)*

* To be confirmed

*International **O**rganizing **C**ommittee:*

Ana Amador, Departamento de Física, Universidad de Buenos Aires & IFIBA,
CONICET, Argentina.

Celia Anteneodo, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro, PUC
Rio, Brazil.

Hilda Cerdeira, IFT, Instituto de Física Teórica, São Paulo, SP, Brazil.

Mario Cosenza, Universidad de Los Andes, Mérida, Venezuela.

Marcel G. Clerc, Universidad de Chile, Santiago, Chile.

Elbert E. N. Macau, INPE, Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais, São
José dos Campos, Brazil.

José D. Muñoz, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogotá, Colombia.

Gerard Olivar, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Manizales, Colombia.

Carlos Pando, Benmérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla, México.

Gonzalo M. Ramírez, Universidad Mayor de San Andrés, La Paz, Bolivia.

*Local **O**rganiz**ing Committee**:* Nicolás Rubido and Arturo C. Martí

Federico Abellá, Nicolás Díaz, Caracé Gutierrez, Juan Gancio, and Marcelo

*Contact eMail:* ddayslac2018 en gmail.com

 *V Dynamic Days Latin America and the Caribbean*
*Dates*: 26 Nov. - 1 Dec., 2018
*Place*: Punta del Este, Uruguay
*Web*:   ddayslac2018.org
*eMail*: ddayslac2018 en gmail.com
*Local Organizers:* Arturo C. Martí and Nicolás Rubido
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