[Todos CMAT] Fwd: Propuesta de charla de interés general.

Mauricio Guillermo mguille en fing.edu.uy
Sab Jun 3 11:50:11 -03 2017


Nos visita en este momento en el *IMERL* el profesor *Christophe 
Raffalli*, de la Université de Savoie. Raffalli trabaja fundamentalmente 
en lógica, pero trabaja también en geometría algebraica, en informática 
teórica y es desarrollador de software. En particular es desarrollador 
de *Patoline*, un software que tiene aplicación a la didáctica de la 
matemática. Patoline es también fácilmente aplicable para la enseñanza 
de otras disciplinas, como la física o la química, por ejemplo. 
Christophe nos ofrece una charla sobre Patoline que será el *martes 6 de 
junio a las 14.30 hs* en el *salón de actos* de *Facultad de 
Ingeniería*. Si pueden y lo creen pertinente, por favor difúndanlo en 
las listas de correo de sus respectivos institutos. El resumen va a 

        Interactive presentation in Patoline

        Patoline is a typographic system completely independent from
        LaTeX and
        written by many authors (principally P.E. Meunier, R. Lepigre,
        T. Hirschowitz and myself).

        One of the most interesting feature of Patoline is its use to write
        interactive presentations and/or documents. I have used it for four
        years to teach functional programming, computer graphics (include
        some element of Geometry) and compilation.

        The key feature of Patoline is that the student can interact
        with the
        presentation in a web browser, during the course. For instance, each
        student can animate/rotate the same geometric figure. Moreover, the
        presentation may contain questions to the students, with more
        freedom in
        principle than tools like moodle.

        Patoline uses a syntax similar to LaTeX and OCaml to program new
        macros. For interactive presentation, we are currently giving access
        to the common feature using only the LaTeX like syntax, which would
        make it easy to use. For more complex feature like geometric figure,
        OCaml syntax seems more suited, as a dedicated syntax requires a
        complex language to express any figure (like tikz, which is a huge

        The talk will present these aspect of Patoline and the presentation
        will be interactive. So you can come with some wifi device (laptop,
        tablet or even cellphones).


Cordiales saludos,

--Mauricio GUILLERMO. UdelaR/FIng/IMERL Montevideo-URUGUAY.

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