[Todos CMAT] Fwd: Postdoctoral Position in Porto

Jana Rodriguez Hertz janarh.arts en gmail.com
Vie Ago 11 12:59:05 -03 2017

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Stefano Luzzatto <luzzatto en ictp.it>
Date: El vie, 11 ago 2017 a las 12:14
Subject: Postdoctoral Position in Porto
To: <dynamics en lists.ictp.it>

Applications are invited for a postdoctoral position (BPD) in Ergodic
Theory and Dynamical Systems within the project PTDC/MAT-CAL/3884/2014
funded by the FCT (Portuguese Science and Technology Foundation).

Applicants must hold a PhD in Mathematics or in a related field, preferably
obtained less than 6 years ago and have research experience in at least one
of the main research areas of the project.

The initial contract will be for 12 months, possibly extended to 15 months.
The expected starting date is October 1, 2017 though some flexibility may
be possible. The monthly salary is 1495 euros (tax free). There are no
compulsory teaching duties associated with this position.

The successful candidate will be based at the Centre for Mathematics of the
University of Porto (Faculty of Sciences) and work under the supervision of
one of the senior members of the project, Jorge Milhazes Freitas, Jorge
Rocha, José Ferreira Alves or Maria Carvalho.

Applications can be submitted from August 1, 2017 and the deadline is
August 29, 2017.

Applications should be sent by e-mail to recrutamento en fc.up.pt with copy to
jfalves en fc.up.pt. They should contain the reference
FCUP-PTDC/MAT-CAL/3884/2014-BPD in the subject field and include the

- Letter of motivation;
- Proposed work plan (research statement);
- CV (including list of publications);
- Copy of PhD certificate;
- A physical address for correspondence;
- Any other documents considered relevant by the applicant.

Applicants should also arrange for two letters of recommendation to be sent
directly to the above e-mail addresses.

For information about the project, please see the website:
Questions can be addressed to José F. Alves <jfalves en fc.up.pt>.


This announcement is for informational purposes only and does not in any
way supersede or replace the official call, published at:


The project Probabilistic Methods in Chaotic Dynamics
(PTDC/MAT-CAL/3884/2014) is funded by FCT (Portugal) with national funds
through the programme "projeto 3599 - Promover a Produção Científica, o
Desenvolvimento Tecnológico e a Inovação - Não Cofinanciada."

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