[Todos CMAT] Fwd: Winter School on Conservative Dynamics (5-12 Feb. 2017, Engelberg, Switzerland)

Martin Sambarino samba en cmat.edu.uy
Mar Oct 11 02:23:46 UYT 2016

Renvio y distribuyo.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Alfonso Sorrentino <alfonso.sorrentino en gmail.com>
Date: 2016-10-10 14:54 GMT-03:00
Subject: Winter School on Conservative Dynamics (5-12 Feb. 2017,
Engelberg, Switzerland)
Cc: Alfonso Sorrentino <sorrentino en mat.uniroma2.it>, Vadim Kaloshin
<vadim.kaloshin en gmail.com>, Marcel Guardia <mguardia en gmail.com>

Dear Colleagues,

we are sending you the announcement and the poster (pdf) of a winter
school on "Conservative Dynamics" that we are organizing in Engelberg
(Switzerland) on 6-11 February 2017.

We would kindly ask you to bring this message to the attention of
interested people (students, post-docs, etc.)

We should be able to cover the local expenses (lodging and meals) to
many applicants (priority, of course, will be given to students and
postdocs). The deadline for applying to the financial support is 15th
November 2016.

If you need further information, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Best regards,

Marcel Guardia
Vadim Kaloshin
Alfonso Sorrentino


ETH-ITS Winter School on

Engelberg, Switzerland, 5-11 February 2017.


- Bassam Fayad (Institut de Mathématiques de Jussieu & CNRS, Paris)
"Quasi-periodic Birkhoff sums in smooth ergodic theory"

- Marcel Guardia (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Barcelona)
"Oscillatory motions in the three body problem"

- Vadim Kaloshin (University of Maryland and ETH-ITS Zürich)
"Stochastic Arnol’d diffusion"

- Alfonso Sorrentino (Università di Roma “Tor Vergata”)
"Birkhoff Billiards"

FINANCIAL SUPPORT: We invite interested participants to apply for
financial support (which includes lodging and meals). Please, send an
email to  winterschool en eth-its.ethz.ch  before 15th November 2016,
including your CV and a one-page description of your research.
Priority will be given to students and post-docs.
Results will be announced by the end of November .

REGISTRATION FEE: 150 CHF (to be paid by 10th December 2016 by all
participants). Please follow the instruction on this website:

For further information, please visit the web page:

ORGANIZERS: M. Guardia, V. Kaloshin and A. Sorrentino.

marcel.guardia en upc.edu
vadim.kaloshin en gmail.com
sorrentino en mat.uniroma2.it
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