[Todos CMAT] IHP Trimester

Diego Armentano diego en cmat.edu.uy
Mar Mayo 31 00:18:32 UYT 2016

Recibo y distribuyo.


Dear all,

We would like to bring to your attention the trimester program
"*Combinatorics and Interactions: interface between mathematical physics,
representation theory and probabilities*", hosted by Institute Henri
Poincare from January to March 2017 in Paris. Among others topics, the
guiding themes are
a) 2d random geometry and related combinatorial problems (maps, dimers,
tilings, ...)
b) Asymptotic representation theory
c) Enumerative geometry (counting surfaces in various settings, e.g.
counting coverings, Gromov-Witten invariants, intersection theory of
moduli spaces, tropical geometry, hyperbolic geometry, ...)
and their interactions.

Detailed information on the program/tentative schedule can be found
and if necessary, more information on the scientific scope of the
program can be obtained by contacting one of the organizers.

The trimester comprises 1 introductory school covering the 3 main
themes, 3 research conferences, 5 master/graduate mini-courses (~16h
each) by leading experts, regular seminars and graduate seminars. It
aims at creating bridges between domains which are concerned at some
stage with combinatorics, bridges between people from different
communities working with different methods, and participate to a broader
diffusion of recent advances by encouraging interactions between senior
and junior mathematicians.

Young scientists (master students soon looking for a PhD, PhD students,
recent postdocs) from scientifically developing countries are much
encouraged to apply.
In particular, we can fund a few long term invitations allowing them to
attend several of the courses -- and their participation will be
followed by a tutor designated among more senior long term participants
depending on mathematical interests. Application is done by registering
on the website http://combi17.math.cnrs.fr/, including a cv + short
letter of motivation explaining why they are interested in the program
and the period of stay they would like in the ideal case.

With best regards,
Gaetan Borot, Ana Ros Camacho,
on behalf of the organization committee
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