[Todos CMAT] Masters and PhD programme in Benin.

Dr. Roberto Markarian roma en fing.edu.uy
Jue Jun 23 13:51:03 UYT 2016

----- Mensaje reenviado de Stefano Luzzatto <luzzatto en ictp.it> -----
   Fecha: Thu, 23 Jun 2016 12:49:47 +0200
      De: Stefano Luzzatto <luzzatto en ictp.it>
Asunto: Masters and PhD programme in Benin.
    Para: dynamics en lists.ictp.it

Benin has recently received a significant amount of funding from the
World Bank to increase the level and quality of mathematical education
and research in the country. With this funding it is promoting and
strengthening its existing Masters and PhD programmes by adding a
number of courses taught by top mathematicians of international
prestige. I attach below a call for application for the academic year
2016-2017. Encourage any excellent students to apply for these

Le Centre d’Excellence Africain en Sciences Mathématiques et
Applications (CEA-SMA) lance le concours 2016-2017 de bourses
d'excellence pour des formations en MASTER et Doctorat. La date limite
pour présenter une demande est fixée au 29 juillet 2016.
Cette offre s'adresse aux personnes désireuses de s'inscrire dans l'un
de nos programmes de formation en master ou Doctorat de  
mathématiqueset ses applications. Les informations sur ce programme sont
accessibles sur le site
Notre ambition est de recruter à travers ce programme financé par la
Banque mondiale, de brillants étudiants  pour une formation de haut
niveau en mathématiques et ses applications

English version
The African Centre of Excellent in Mathematical Sciences and
Applications (ACE-MSA) is pleased to announce the 2016-2017
fellowships for its graduate programs in mathematics and applied
mathematics. We seek well-qualified students wishing to pursue a
MASTER'S DEGREE and/or a Ph.D. in various fields of mathematics and
its applications. The deadline to submit an application is July 29th,
2016. More information on this program can be found on the website
This program is funded though a grant from the World Bank.

Stefano Luzzatto
Mathematics Section
Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics
Strada Costiera 11, 34151 Trieste, Italy
Tel +39 040 2240253
luzzatto en ictp.it

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From: Stefano Luzzatto <luzzatto en ictp.it>
Subject: Masters and PhD programme in Benin. 
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