[Todos CMAT] Fwd: ICM2018 Newsletter 04

Dr. Roberto Markarian roma en fing.edu.uy
Sab Dic 17 22:20:43 UYT 2016

Marcelo Viana Organizing the International Congress of Mathematicians  
ICM 2018 (http://www.icm2018.org) in Brazil has always been as much  
about disseminating and popularizing mathematical culture in the  
Brazilian society as it is about welcoming the elite of world  
mathematics to our country and highlighting the achievements of  
Brazilian and Latin American mathematicians. Thus, reaching out to our  
children and youth, and their families and teachers, is high on the  
Organizing Committee´s priority list.

Endorsement and support from the authorities is coming at the highest  
level: the Brazilian Congress (Parliament) has approved a formal  
declaration of 2017 – 2018 as the Biennium of Mathematics. Having been  
sanctioned and published by the President of Brazil on November 7, the  
Biennium is now the law of the land.

The Biennium of Biênio Matemática Brasil 2017/2018 Mathematics honors  
the organization of the ICM 2018, as well as of the International  
Mathematical Olympiad IMO 2017, also in Rio de Janeiro, and expresses  
the country´s determination to devote time and resources to improve  
the public awareness of mathematics, at all levels.

Turning this into a reality is a big challenge that we are embracing  
with enthusiasm. In addition to the IMO 2017, the ICM 2018 and the IMU  
General Assembly 2018, to be held in São Paulo, a whole series of  
activities is being planned for the next couple of years, starting  
with the traditional Bienal da Matemática and the brand new Festival  
da Matemática (http://www.festivaldamatematica.org.br/) , both in  
April 2017, in Rio.

A National Week on Science and Technology is held in October every  
year, with a broad participation of universities, research centers,  
schools, sciences museums and other institutions. We are very glad to  
announce that the Ministry has decided that the theme for 2017 will be  
“Mathematics is everywhere!”.

Another highlight of the Biennium of Mathematics is the Brazilian  
Mathematical Olympiad (http://www.icm2018.org/portal/en/news21) , the  
largest scientific competition in the world, about which you can learn  
more in the corresponding article below, in this edition of the ICM  
2018 Newsletter.

Awards ceremony for the 2015 Public School Math Olympiad (OBMEP)
Awards ceremony for the 2015 Public School Math Olympiad (OBMEP)

Among the Biennium´s many goals is to energize the whole debate  
concerning diversity in the mathematical universe. The article “The  
women in mathematics dilemma”  
(http://www.icm2018.org/portal/en/news22) , by Christina Brech, from  
the University of São Paulo, takes on the renewed discussion of the  
issue of gender in this area.

Last but not least, this edition of the Newsletter also comes with  
important information about the “ICM 2018 timeline”: application for  
travel support for mathematicians from the developing world,  
registration, and submission of communications.

As you can see, Brazil will be a very interesting place to be in the  
next couple of years. We hope you will all have the chance to come and  
participate in some of it!

Marcelo Viana
Chair of the ICM 2018 Organizing Committee

Useful Links

Bienal da Matemática da SBM (in Portuguese) - http://www.sbm.org.br/bienal/
Festival da Matemática (in Portuguese) -  

** Also in ICM News
The largest scientific competition in the world  
Can you guess how many participants there were last year in the  
Brazilian Mathematical Olympiad? A look at this huge competition and  
the many programs attached to it.

The women in mathematics dilemma (http://www.icm2018.org/portal/en/news22)
Christina Brech from the University of São Paulo tackles gender issues  
in Mathematics.

ICM 2018 Timeline (http://www.icm2018.org/portal/en/news23)
Dates are now available for registration, financial support  
applications, and abstract submissions.

** Applications to the Travel Grants Program
Open April 15, 2017
Close July 20, 2017

The list of grantees will be published by September 04, 2017. Travel  
support will be conditioned to registration in ICM 2018 and will be  
paid upon arrival to Rio de Janeiro, during the Congress.

Pre-registration and registration
Pre-registration, which will allow participants to enter their  
personal date, book accommodation and participation in social  
activities etc, will start on September 04, 2017.

Pre-registration is a necessary condition for submission of abstracts  
and proceedings articles. Registration will have to be completed by  
the following dates:

Early Advance By April 27, 2018 Reduced registration fee.
Advance By July 13, 2018 (Less) reduced registration fee.
Onsite GA July 26 through 28, 2018 Full fee. No access to the opening  
ceremony. General Assembly participants only.
Onsite ICM July 29 through August 09, 2018 Full fee. No access to the  
opening ceremony.

Submission of abstracts
Open September 04, 2017
Close January 05, 2018

The selection results will be published by February 28, 2018.

Acceptance of an abstract will be conditioned to full registration  
within the Early Advanced period: failure to complete the registration  
by April 27, 2018 will cause the acceptance to be cancelled.

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