[Todos CMAT] Fwd: CALL for APPLICATIONS IMU-Simons Foundation Travel Fellowship

Martin Sambarino martinsambarino en gmail.com
Mie Oct 22 20:51:30 UYST 2014

Por si no lo recibieron...

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Lena Koch <icmi.cdc.administrator en mathunion.org>
Date: 2014-10-22 7:20 GMT-02:00
Subject: CALL for APPLICATIONS IMU-Simons Foundation Travel Fellowship
To: "MENAO en mathunion.org" <menao en mathunion.org>

Dear colleagues,

I would like to inform you about the  IMU-Simons Foundation Travel Fellowship:
IMU-Simons Travel Fellowship Program supports collaborative research
visits of mathematicians working in the developing world to a center
of excellence in any part of the world for collaborative research in

This grant will support mathematicians working in a developing or
economically disadvantaged country (as determined by the IMU-CDC) to
travel to a center of excellence in any part of the world for
collaborative research (in mathematics).
In exceptional cases, the funds can also be used by mathematicians
from developed countries to visit centers of research in developing
countries to do collaborative research with mathematicians working

The program is administered by IMU- CDC and funded by the Simons Foundation.

Basic Requirements:

Applicants must hold a PhD in Mathematics,
be based in a developing country and
be employed as a faculty member of a university or equivalent institution

Additional Requirements:

The applicant should already have established contact with a
mathematician in the host institution and should have a definite
research plan which must be submitted, along with the curriculum vitae
of both mathematicians at the time of applying for this grant.
The host institution should cover all local living expenses like
accommodation and boarding.
The applicant should have been granted appropriate leave of absence
from his/her home institution which will cover the period of the
Minimal length of a visit is one month.

All applications should, besides the online application form, contain
all of the following:

Curriculum Vitae (CV) including a selected list of publications (max. 3 pages),
a detailed research program including expected interaction with local
mathematicians, Ph.D. students, etc. (minimum 100 words and including
general aim and schedule of research visit),
a formal letter of invitation from the host institution which clearly
specifies the period of the visit as well as the extent of its
financial commitment. (It is expected that the host institution at
least completely covers all local living expenses like accommodation
and boarding). This letter should be send by the host institution by
email to: imu-simons-travel-fellowship en mathunion.org

Financial Support:
The travel grant under this scheme will completely cover the travel
costs from the place of work of the applicant to that of the host to
the extent of economy class airfare and surface (public) transport,
all visa fees as well as travel and health insurance charges up to USD

More information can be found here:

You can also find other grants and funding possibilities for
mathematicians from developing countries and economically
disadvantages countries.

Please do not hesitate to contact me in case of any questions
regarding this or any other CDC grants.

Best wishes,

Lena Koch
IMU Secretariat

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