[Todos CMAT] Fwd: BMS Dirichlet Postdoctoral Fellowship

José L. Vieitez jvieitez en fing.edu.uy
Jue Oct 10 16:22:20 UYST 2013

Recibo y difundo por posibles interesados.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Prof. John M. Sullivan <postdoc en math-berlin.de>
Date: 2013/10/10
Subject: BMS Dirichlet Postdoctoral Fellowship
To: jvieitez en fing.edu.uy

Dear colleagues,

We would be grateful if you could inform interested young mathematicians
(recent PhDs as well as PhD students finishing by next summer) about
the Dirichlet Postdoctoral Fellowship at the Berlin Mathematical School.

Thanks in advance!

Best wishes,

John M. Sullivan, Professor of Mathematics, TU Berlin
Chair, Berlin Mathematical School

Call for Applications
BMS Dirichlet Postdoctoral Fellowship

The Berlin Mathematical School (BMS) invites applications for the
Dirichlet Postdoctoral Fellowship starting in the fall of 2014. This
two-year position is open to promising young mathematicians holding a
PhD who want to pursue their own research in any of the fields of
mathematics represented in Berlin. The competitive full-year salary
includes health insurance. Fellows are expected to teach one course per
semester, typically in English and at the graduate level.

Completed applications are due by 1 December 2013, and should be
submitted online at the BMS website:

Applications from all well-qualified individuals, especially women, are
highly encouraged. The Berlin Mathematical School (BMS) is a joint
graduate school of the mathematics departments of the three major Berlin
universities: Freie Universität (FU), Humboldt-Universität (HU) and
Technische Universität (TU). The BMS has been funded under the German
"Excellence Initiative" since October 2006.

phone: +49 30 314 78651
e-mail: office en math-berlin.de
web: http://www.math-berlin.de
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