[Todos CMAT] post-doc en Milano

Ezequiel Maderna emaderna en cmat.edu.uy
Mar Sep 18 18:44:16 UYT 2012

Call for proposal - Senior post-doc position at Milano Bicocca

The Department of Mathematics of the University of Milano Bicocca  
advertises a call for a two year post doc position at the Department  
of Mathematics of the University of Milano Bicocca, see


The candidate we are looking for is a young scientist with a leading  
position in her/his field of expertise, who can give a strong impulse  
to researches presently carried on in the Department or help to open  
new ones. Applications from any area of Mathematics are encouraged.  
The selection will be done on the basis of the interest of the  
proposal and of the previous achievements of the candidate.

The gross salary will be in the range from 33.000 to 38.000 euro per  
year, and will be a matter of negotiation. No teaching duties are  
required to the applicant, except for a PhD course (of approximately  
40 hours) per year. The renewal of the grant for the second year is  
subordinate to the approval of the first year activities by a  
committee to be appointed by the Department.

Interested researchers should send by e-mail their CV, together with a  
research statement to the secretary of the Director,  
(iside.marconi en unimib.it), before November 30, 2012. Also, they should  
arrange for two reference letters to be sent to the same address still  
by November 30, 2012.

The proposals will be reviewed by a specially appointed committee in  
January 2013, and the call for the position will be issued by the  
Department at the beginning of February 2013. The grant is expected to  
start on September 1, 2013.

I would be grateful if you could forward this information to  
appropriate candidates who are requested to send their applications.
Centro de Matematica - www.cmat.edu.uy
Facultad de Ciencias - www.fcien.edu.uy
Universidad de la Republica - www.universidad.edu.uy

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