[Todos CMAT] Anuncio

Marcelo Lanzilotta marclan en cmat.edu.uy
Lun Dic 6 19:41:07 UYST 2010

Finalizando el curso de Álgebra Homológica 2010 exponen Javier Cóppola e 
Ignacio Monteverde (durante el curso han expuesto temas tan interesantes 
como estos y en excelente nivel: Gabriel Núñez, Juan Pablo Lago y Bruno 

I charla, Martes 7 de diciembre, 10hs. Salón de Seminarios CMAT: "On the 
dimension of modules and algebras (III), Global diemnsion"; Maurice 
Auslander, 1955 (parte de este artículo).


Expone Javier Cóppola.

The terminology is that of Cartan-Eilenberg's "Homological algebra 
[Princeton, 1956]. Let R be a ring with 1, and assume that 1 operates as 
the identity map on all R-modules considered. It is shown first that the 
(left or right) global dimension of R (i.e., the supremum of the 
projective dimensions of all R-modules) is the supremum of the projective 
dimensions of the cyclic R-modules and, if R is not semisimple, exceeds 
the supremum of the projective dimensions of the ideals of R by exactly 1.
The weak global dimension of R is defined as the largest integer n (or 1) 
for which the functor Tor_n R does not vanish. It is shown that if R is 
(left or right) Noetherian then its (left or right) global dimension 
coincides with its weak global dimension. In particular, if R is both left 
and right Noetherian then its left and right global dimensions are equal.

Reviewed by G. P. Hochschild

II charla, Jueves 9 de diciembre, 10hs. Salón de Seminarios IMERL: Teorema 
de la Sicigia de Hilbert (o sea que dim.gl.(k[x_1,x_2, ..., x_n])=n).

(David Hilbert, Ueber die Theorie der algebraischen Formen, Königsberg, 15 
de febrero 1890, Prusia).


Un trabajo que se adelanta 50 años al Álgebra Homológica (que surge en 
el entorno de 1940 -1950).

Expone Ignacio Monteverde.

Están todos invitados (con permiso de los expositores).

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