[Todos CMAT] Para los que quieran volar aún más: Announcement NOVEL SPACEWAYS

Dr. Roberto Markarian - IMERL roma en fing.edu.uy
Sab Sep 22 08:58:38 UYT 2007

a dynamical systems approach to affordable and sustainable space
15-17 October 2007

Telespazio Fucino Space Center (Avezzano, Italy)
Scuola Superiore Reiss Romoli (SSGRR - L'Aquila, Italy). 
The Telespazio Space Operations Academy is pleased to announce the
organization of an international workshop on the stable/unstable manifold
approach to space mission design in order to highlight its applications to
scientific and exploration missions. 
Please find attached the Workshop Announcement, including the provisional
program and logistic information. 
For further updated information the workshop web site will be soon on-line
(<http://spaceman.telespazio.com>) or write to
spaceopsacademy en telespazio.com <mailto:spaceopsacademy en telespazio.com>. 

Conference Chairman
Sylvio Ferraz-Mello (University of Sao Paulo, Brazil) 
Organizing Committee 
Ettore Perozzi (Chairman, Telespazio) 
Roberto Battiston (INFN) 
Alessandra Celletti (Università di Roma "Tor Vergata")
Guido Di Cocco (INAF)
Glauco Di Genova (Telespazio)
Reno Mandolesi (INAF)
Walter Pecorella (Telespazio)
Francesco Perillo (Telespazio)
Giovanni Valsecchi (INAF) 
Secretariat: Gianna Fattore (Telespazio)

The Space Operations Academy has been recently instituted by Telespazio in
order to properly develop scientific and professional skills on satellite
services, navigation and Earth observation. See attched brochure.
The workshop is held under the auspices of the Italian Space Agnency (ASI)
and of the Italian Celestial Mechanics and Astrodynamics Society (SIMCA).

 <<Announcement_Manifolds.doc>>  <<brochure ops.pdf>> 

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