[Probabilidad-Estadistica-Seminario] ***UNCHECKED*** Seminario de Probabilidad y Estadística - Ignacio Ramírez Paulino (Udelar)

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Mie Abr 10 08:00:07 -03 2024

Seminario de Probabilidad y Estadística

Título: "Hierarchical Geometric Cluster Detection"

Expositor: Ignacio Ramírez Paulino (Udelar)

This work describes a general method for the detection of affine structures in a
set of elements that belong to a certain ambient space. The general idea is that
such structures express themselves as unusual concentrations of subsets of such
elements around these structures, as opposed to being randomly scattered
throughout the space. Whereas existing detection methods assume a global uniform
point process over the whole data range as the background model, our method
constructs a local background model in the vicinity of the structure, which
enables a more precise and versatile detection scheme.   Since the size (scale)
of the local analysis region is a key element in the detection, we develop a
multi-scale extension of the aforementioned idea. The results are shown on
various synthetic datasets.
Viernes 12/4 a las 10:30, Salón 703. Facultad de Ingeniería.

Contacto: Alejandro Cholaquidis - acholaquidis en hotmail.com

Página del     seminario    : https://pye.cmat.edu.uy/    seminario

Página del grupo: https://pye.cmat.edu.uy/home

Canal de youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOPZEOrLSAYPz2qCAL-KqMg/about
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