[Probabilidad-Estadistica-Seminario] Seminario de Probabilidad y Estadística
seminarios en cmat.edu.uy
seminarios en cmat.edu.uy
Mie Sep 8 08:00:28 -03 2021
Seminario de Probabilidad y Estadística
Título: "The Slow Bond Random Walk and the Snapping Out Brownian Motion."
Expositor: Tertuliano Franco (Universidade Federal da Bahia, Brasil)
We consider a continuous time symmetric random walk on the integers, whose
rates are equal to 1/2 for all bonds, except for the bond of vertices {−1, 0},
which associated rate is given by \alpha n^{-\beta}/2 , where \alpha and \beta
are parameters of the model. We prove here a functional central limit theorem
for the random walk with a slow bond: if \beta<1, then it con verges to the
usual Brownian motion. If \beta>1, then it converges to the reflected Brownian
motion. And at the critical value \beta = 1, it converges to the snapping out
Brownian motion (SNOB) of parameter k = 2 \alpha, which is a Brow nian type-
process recently constructed by Lejay (2016). We also provide Berry-Esseen
estimates in the dual bounded Lipschitz metric for the weak convergence of
one-dimensional distributions, which we believe to be sharp. Talk based on a
joint work with D. Erhard and D. Silva.
Viernes 10/9 a las 10:30, zoom
Contacto: Alejandro Cholaquidis - acholaquidis en hotmail.com
Canal de youtube:
Link de zoom para la charla
ID de reunión: 894 6604 5708 Código de acceso: probable-1
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