[Probabilidad-Estadistica-Seminario] Congreso Bernoulli

Ernesto Mordecki mordecki en cmat.edu.uy
Jue Jun 10 15:00:25 -03 2021

¡Es virtual!


The Bernoulli Society wants to provide some final information about
registration and program of the upcoming Bernoulli-IMS 10th World
Congress, July 19-23. Due to the pandemic, it had to be postponed last
year, and will happen now this year fully virtual.

As of June 1, the World Congress has received a total of 444 abstracts
for the invited, contributed, and poster sessions. At least fourty-one
countries will be represented at times convenient to the presenter’s
affiliation.  The program will be finalized next week. To wet your
appetite have a look at our list of main speakers:
<https://www.wc2020.org/sub03_02.php <https://www.wc2020.org/sub03_02.php>>

There are still spots available for some posters for the Young
Researcher Meeting (YRM), which happens July 17-18, just before the
World Congress. The deadline for the YRM is June 25.  More information
on this event is at
<https://www.wc2020.org/sub03_04.php <https://www.wc2020.org/sub03_04.php>>

The Early Registration deadline is June 20 with details given at
with reduced registration fees for BS members

More detailed information on our virtual WC is available at
https://www.wc2020.org <https://www.wc2020.org> <https://www.wc2020.org/ 

We very much want to encourage attendance of the (Virtual)
Bernoulli-IMS 10th World Congress.
Take advantage of its being online!
and recall that virtual congresses have the potential to reach
delegates worldwide, at low cost and with diminished carbon footprint.

Prof. Dr. Claudia Klüppelberg
President of the Bernoulli Society
Support the activities of the Bernoulli Society by becoming a member

Department for Mathematics, Technical University of Munich
Postal Address: Boltzmannstr. 3, 85748 Garching bei München
Office Location: Parkring 13, 85748 Garching bei München
e-mail: bernoulli.president en ma.tum.de <mailto:bernoulli.president en ma.tum.de>
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