[Probabilidad-Estadistica-Seminario] Seminario de Probabilidad y Estadística -- Viernes 22 de junio

Andrés Sosa asosa en cmat.edu.uy
Mie Jun 20 10:52:08 -03 2018


Este *viernes 22 de junio a las 10:30 horas* en el salón de seminarios del
Centro de Matemática hablará *Martín Rocamora* (Instituto de Ingeniería
Eléctrica - Facultad de Ingeniería) en el seminario de Probabilidad y

El título de la charla es:* Interpersonal music entrainment in
Afro-Uruguayan Candombe drumming.*


*Resumen:The study of interpersonal entrainment in music, the process in
which two or more individuals interact with each other to synchronize their
body movements and the musical sounds, is a novel research strand which has
shown to have implications for musicology and music perception.Candombe,
one of the most characteristic and defining components of Uruguayan popular
culture, has its actual roots in the traditions brought from Africa in the
18th century by the victims of the slave trade. While still being primarily
associated with the Afro-Uruguayan community, it has long been adopted by
the society at large. Drumming is the essential component of this tradition
sharing many traits with other musics of the Afro-Atlantic cultures. All
along the year, specially on weekends and public holidays, players meet at
specific points to play Candombe marching on the street. Its rhythm results
from the interaction of the patterns of three drums of different size and
pitch, and has a common metric structure: a cycle of four beats and sixteen
pulses. This paper presents the results of a series of experiments to
measure interpersonal synchronization and leadership in small percussion
ensembles of Candombe drumming. For this purpose, an audio-visual dataset
of drumming performances was used. Five renowned Candombe drummers were
recorded on a multi-track audio system and simultaneously filmed by three
video cameras. The dataset also includes annotations of metrical
information (beat and downbeat), and temporal location of strokes. The
onsets were detected automatically from the audio tracks and then checked
manually and corrected if necessary. The corpus analyzed consisted of 14
representative performances of ensembles of three to five drummers,
containing a total of ca. 1300 rhythm cycles. To assess the precision of
coordination among ensemble parts, an analysis of the asynchronies between
onsets by different individual ensemble members in the same metric position
was conducted. Leadership behaviors were analyzed by applying a method
based on Granger Causality. *
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