[Probabilidad-Estadistica-Seminario] Seminario de Probabilidad y Estadística -- Viernes 7 de diciembre

Andrés Sosa asosa en cmat.edu.uy
Mie Dic 5 22:45:58 -03 2018


Este *viernes 7 de diciembre a las 10:30 horas* en el salón de seminarios
del Centro de Matemática hablará  *Jean-Marc Azais* (Université de
Toulouse) en el seminario de Probabilidad y Estadística.

El título de la charla es:  *Repulsion or attraction  of critical points
of isotropic  Gaussian fields.*

La charla se dictará en español.


*We study the local behaviour of critical points  of smooth Gaussian
stationary and isotrope  fields$R^N \to R$ . *
*In dimension 1 ($N=1$)  we deduce from  well known results of the
literature  that  there is always  repulsion  between critical points: they
are  better  spread than a Poisson process. *
*In higher dimension, depending on the dimension, we observe  some
neutrality  when $N=2$ and attraction for $N>2$. Specifying the index  of
the critical points we give some interpretation.  Our results  generalise
the result by Beliaev et al   that concern  the random plane wave. *
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