[Probabilidad-Estadistica-Seminario] Seminario de Probabilidad y Estadística -- Viernes 2 de diciembre
Andrés Sosa
asosa en cmat.edu.uy
Mie Nov 30 14:20:53 UYT 2016
Este *viernes 2 de diciembre a las 10:00 horas* en el salón de seminarios
del Centro de Matemática tenemos una sesión especial organizada por el
Prof. Enrique Lessa.
Hablará *Simone Vincenzi *(Department of Ocean Sciences, University of
California Santa Cruz, and at the Southwest Fisheries Science Center, Santa
Cruz, USA).
El título de la charla es: *Within and among-population variation in life
histories and population dynamics in an increasingly extreme world
integrating genetics, demography, pedigree reconstruction, and life-history
*To understand how within- and among-population variation emerges, we need
long-term studies that include episodic events and contrasting
environmental conditions, data to characterize individual and shared
variation, and statistical models that can tease apart shared and
individual contribution to the observed variation. Extreme weather,
climate, and environmental events, such as floods, storms, oil spills,
anoxic crises, are among the episodic events that have huge effects on the
population dynamics, and life-history and genetic variation of natural
populations. Due to climate change and growing human pressure on
ecosystems, the frequency and intensity of extreme events is increasing,
but most of the empirical studies on their effects have been only
opportunistic and anecdotal. In this talk, I show how I integrated
genetics, demography, pedigree reconstruction using molecular markers,
before-after comparisons, and life-history theory to test theory-based
hypotheses on the determinants of within- and among-population variation in
an increasingly extreme world. I used as a model system fish populations
living in Slovenian streams that are periodically affected by extreme
floods. Methods and tools that I used or developed are widely applicable,
and insights generalizable to other species and ecosystems.*
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